
CCTV died due to rescue a female reporter was granted the title of Samaritan

Yesterday, reporters from the Changping District Civil Affairs Bureau was informed that six-ring accident in the North due to rescue the victims of Jiangxi Youth Zeng Hong, CCTV reporter Liu Wei women have been Changping District, awarded the "courageous and active elements," the honorary title. Meanwhile, the city civil affairs departments have reported to the Beijing municipal government related information, when approved, will be posthumously awarded the Good Samaritan the capital two people (Honorary Citizen) title.

Changping District Civil Affairs Bureau, Li Han, deputy director of introduction, the annual Samaritan advanced personal recognition, generally recognize outstanding performance in the previous year's Samaritan staff. Given Zeng Hong, Liu Wei two deeds, the civil affairs department launched a special program, to be expedited. Currently, two of the Samaritan act has been confirmed, Changping District government, Changping District, the two families will be paid 5,000 yuan each prize.

Director of Beijing Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau Samaritan

51 Ma said the two municipal civil affairs departments have reported to the Beijing municipal government information, such as municipal government approval only. They were posthumously awarded the Good Samaritan as the capital of the public (Honorary Citizen) title after their families will each receive 200,000 yuan of the Samaritan bonus.

Zeng Xiang Zeng Tao third brother said they had been informed that Zeng was posthumously awarded the honorary title of Hong news, the whole family feel that this is Zeng Hong deceased's a very good comfort. He also introduced CCTV and sent a few days ago, more than 40 million in donations, the local Red Cross also sent to Shenzhen, a company of love donation. Meanwhile, the local government to continue in all aspects of life, give great care and home help. After nearly a month later, the family gradually come out from the great grief and resume a normal life. On behalf of the family, from Beijing and the local love, our deepest thanks.

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the evening of March 9 this year, 11 am, the Sixth Ring Road in Beijing, Xiao Tang Shan Hong Zeng sections rescued car crash woman trapped in the CCTV reporter Liu Wei, and then the two work together to rescue others unfortunate enough to be car Zhuangfei , both died.

>> Related News CCTV employee contributions to 540 thousand yuan

(Reporter Yi Eastern) on April 9, CCTV vice president Sun Yusheng condolences group led to the Jiangxi Province, the village Datangbu million stars, condolences to families of civilians hero Zeng Hong, and the CCTV employee contributions to 540 thousand yuan relief funds sent to the mother who hands. But before his death in order to build villages, Hong Zeng road wish CCTV decided to spend 10 million for road construction from start-up capital. Local county government also said they would additional 200,000 yuan to complete the local road construction Zeng Hong family, the road was named "Ching Hong Road."

In addition, CCTV, 54 million in donations, the 100,000 yuan donated to Zeng Shen Hong-old British mother, Johnson; 100,000 yuan donated to the Hong's wife, Zeng Yang Sulan; Zeng Hong's eldest son and son each received 120,000 yuan. Zeng Hong's wife, Yang Sulan hands donations, said with tears in her eyes, she will educate her two sons, bring them up to allow Zeng Hong rest in heaven.



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