
User exposure ambiguous performance hall girl in front of three-point win costumers (Figure)

Recently, some newspaper readers to reflect, Bantian Longgang District, said the streets Osaka Tianhui Tang obscene performance, very explicit, and there is a long time. Sakamoto Tianhui Tang's performance on-line is also reflected some even call it "flesh and Exhibition." April 11 evening, the reporter conducted field visits and found that performance is indeed very vague here, not only in front of a variety of attractive Lenovo posters, there are "three-" Lady Showmanship, Grand performances also clothing "savings" for the feature, occasionally accompanied by "inadvertently" in Happy Together. Performance end of the interview performers, the other that the boss is not, nor permit approval to perform journalists.


circulated on the Internet

Osaka Tianhui Tang ambiguous performance

at this time readers to the newspaper Baoliao ago, this newspaper has also been concerned about online Sakamoto Tianhui Tang performance on the description, comments.

Shenzhen in Shenzhen News Net Forum, 2007, there is one entitled "Sakamoto Tianhui Tang sex show" in the post, the post said: "I want to live in Sakata residents are aware of each such a pornographic performances, but there a few years, and basically no one tube, their propaganda vehicles every day around the streets of Sakata loudspeakers with very harsh to promote ... ... the content of their performances is also unhealthy ... ... a village hall can not openly come out to these unhealthy things, this is the Government's site ah ... ... "In the beginning of this year, also Huitie:" Every time I see 10 dollars, do not see white without looking, I like the front row. Sometimes saving money, just look at the steps Moon Bay, they will show one or two programs come out, dressed very save. "

and a network name "Shenzhen, Zhu," The early users have made in the Sina blog Bowen, said the Osaka Tianhui Tang's performance as "human flesh exhibition," Bowen said: "can not live, you not think in such a formal stage will be played so poor vulgar scene, several only woman wearing a three-point twisted carcass almost bare, constantly ogle the audience, and make all kinds of provocative gestures, The sickening feeling of its state. Really hard to understand anyone who does not control it? "


"three-" Lady in front of Showmanship

after receiving the reader to reflect, Osaka Tianhui Tang's trying to enlighten me on the show, but even flutter a few empty, are "legend" in the show does not exist? After pointing next to the owner, the reporter only figure out, the weekend performances only, and uncertainty is the day. April 9, the reporter went to Osaka Tianhui Tang, seen on end in front of a sign, "Spring Concert March\

4 月 8:30 the evening of 11, when we arrived in front of Osaka Tianhui Tang, where loudspeakers had been chanting, a man with a microphone, doing promotional shows are always the same also a meaning: This is the "adult Specials\

performance hall leading to the corridor, aisle on both sides of several pieces of nearly two meters vertically and 10 posters, all the above is doing all kinds of ambiguous actions of "three-point" girl.

exit performance hall sitting four young women are wearing a "three-point." Later, reporters learned that the four women is a performance of "Tai Zhuzi." May be too that were not in place despite this publicity man, wearing a "three-point" of the woman standing on high heels roll to the front, deft in a grabbed the microphone toward passers-by shouted for a speech, a time to attract many eyes.

fares are not expensive, 5 row before 15 yuan a person, starting from the sixth row of the subsequent 10 per person.


hundreds of spectators, only three women

can accommodate thousands of people into Osaka Tianhui Tang, journalists, or startled, in 10 rows in front of almost full of people, what a rough estimate, nearly 400 or so spectators. The air was filled with smoke, sweat and other muddy smell, on the ground by throwing a drink full of empty bottles, cans.

gallery almost all young or middle-aged men, occasionally to see older men are looking forward to every pair of eyes and looked toward the stage. Reporter turns around, finally found hundreds of spectators three women, and should all come together with her boyfriend.

9 pm, performances start in the excitement of the music. First up is news that the door to see 4 "three-" Lady, that is the fashion show, but the four women's performance can only say that it is the "nature\even as high heels, go even ugly than usual.

followed nearly two hours of performance on these four women became the Session, go walking on stage, dancing, or singing only in the way that a male singer to sing a few songs out. This four women have been wearing the basic performance, "three-point\One of which was snatched from outside before the woman on the microphone loudspeaker performance, another woman and another woman with the performance, in the dance with the process, the two women have made into a variety of unbearable purpose of action, while those appearing in the show "glimpse" of the action, but also aroused the audience cheers.

before the start of the Dance, a white vest, men in the Speaker reminded the audience of all, are not allowed to take pictures with cell phones or cameras. In the performance process, several men walking around the audience kept staring auditorium.


performers failed to provide performance approval

night near 10 o'clock, the show was over. Reporter to find performers to identify themselves, each other first shock, followed by silence. Looks like a white vest for men, but the face of press inquiries, he said the person in charge is not a time not contact.

"Where you from? "Asked.

"from Guizhou. "

"Do you have any performance permit approval? "Reporter asked.

"there. "

"in Shenzhen to do it? Can look at it? "

"Anhui Office. Did not bring. "

"You do not come from Guizhou, Anhui, how is it organized? And when I heard the show, said the performers were from Guangzhou, Chongqing and other places of entertainment companies. Also, you do not know to be performed in Shenzhen, Shenzhen cultural approval it? "Reporters continue to ask.

"We come from all over the country. Performance license thing we do not know, we are just working for. "

"Do you think this show healthy? "

"... ... has nothing ah, that is, 'three-point' it. "The man in white vest, smiled in embarrassment after the answer. In the end, the other simply not answering questions, asking journalists to remove the photographs taken.


ambiguous performance lasted for years?

in court, the reporter interviewed some random appearances audience, but the other one is a journalist, most immediately turned around and left, only a few spectators, reporters interviewed.

seen the show a man said he heard that here before the show more "fire" on the run, and after reading that may not be meaningful, but he felt that this performance is certainly an extraordinary thing. Another man said he was run over several times at night with nothing on, and together with the workers quarters of view, "all the money or to see the show, and certainly not to look so amateur dancing and singing, we'll also is directed at those two 'Dance', "" three-point "not Gesha event, but some of the action is definitely" off line \has been performed down.

the duration of this show, the reporter was not an argument. Drinks sold in the performance hall, a man reported can not say that this show lasted a few years in Osaka Tianhui Tang, a few years ago had a similar performance, but stopped two years ago, the allocation of the performers is a recent come, come, and soon, the weekend also performed.

the owner of the nearby shop different opinions. A shopkeeper, said the performance was stopped Osaka Tian Huitang some time, but in recent months, one to another performance of the weekend. Another shop owner, said he had the impression that performance in recent years had not stopped, every weekend on the horn loudly before the performance, just do not know the show every weekend is not the same allocation of people.



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