
Low-carbon household appliances ignored or search for a breakthrough in China's household electrical

Italian reporter Xu Qiang

from the Copenhagen Climate Conference, the Chinese market has emerged on the wave of green carbon, rapidly engulfed the home appliance market, green, low carbon air conditioning, refrigerators, washing machines, water heaters and other products appear rushed. However, reporters noted that many consumers are on the market green carbon appliance does not buy it.

some consumers believe that the green concept is primarily a low-carbon household appliances speculation, and not let product in use and change and improve. Meanwhile, prices also rose considerably, some enterprises that trend by global low-carbon ride "ride." In response, many home appliance business is that the green low-carbon future development of the industry's direction, the current release of many household electrical appliances enterprises to achieve a product from R & D, manufacturing and other low-carbon of the whole process of upgrading the green. More importantly, in low-carbon global economy of the transition process towards the green, the home appliance products and technologies are also facing a new round of upgrading.

but many Chinese home appliance enterprises, how to achieve industry, markets, products, low-carbon transition, seemingly a huge green space value of low-carbon commercial space, then where, and how low with the current global tendency to quickly find new trends in carbon industry breakthrough? The answer is not yet clear, but the pace of exploration companies have been in full swing.

appliances where low-carbon space?

At present, many home appliance products, air conditioners, refrigerators and washing machines are typically large energy consumption, relates to water and electricity, steel, copper, plastics and other high resource utilization. However, in recent years, refrigerator, washing machine full speed up the transformation of energy conservation. Especially the refrigerator business, in recent years, energy efficiency and green around the two main directions in product performance, launched a series of layout. In Hisense Kelon, Meiling, the new flight, the United States, and Siemens joint efforts of enterprises, the market's refrigerator efficiency has improved rapidly, the market share surged to 80%. The water-saving washing machine market share is climbing, including the Little Swan, Midea, Hisense, Panasonic, Siemens and other major companies, many years ago shifted its focus to water-saving washing machines Bian Jiang. The state also issued a 6A standard washing machine, from the wash ratio, water consumption, power consumption, trouble-free running time of six washing machines made in terms of strict rules.

However, upgrading the energy efficiency of air conditioning is not smooth. Until this year, in March, the state released an upgraded fixed-frequency air-conditioning efficiency standards, requirements on June 1 this year, the firm can not manufacture and sale of two below the air-conditioning. And as early as last June, the state in order to promote sales of energy-efficient air conditioning, air-conditioning company also launched a special subsidy to the policy. By the end, 1,2-level energy-efficient air-conditioning sales accounting for only 50% breakthrough.

In fact, all household appliances, the TV is the most frequently used and the cycle of the product. However, as a single product lower power consumption, does not give enough attention. But the industry that improve the energy consumption of TVs around the corner, the current flat-panel TV energy efficiency standard has not yet issued. Previously, Konka, TCL, Skyworth and other enterprises have introduced energy-saving flat-panel TV, has been actively promoting energy efficiency upgrading of flat panel TVs.

now, for the domestic home appliances enterprises, energy efficiency in products, product components, product features and other aspects, in particular color TV, air-conditioned two types of products, there are still upgrading of green space for low-carbon technology.

the commercial value of low-carbon transition

Currently, many enterprises through the promotion and sale of green low-carbon household electrical appliances, mainly around consumer driven market, to stimulate new market demand in full swing. The same time, of deliberately low-carbon new technologies and new products, existing high-energy consumption of domestic appliances for the upgrading of the second.

industry observers point out that the short term, domestic enterprises to promote the transformation of the primary means of low-carbon, or focus on new technology products. Including the introduction of energy-efficient freon-free air conditioning, green freon-free refrigerators and energy-efficient water heaters, new materials, more energy-efficient LED LCD TV. At the same time, focusing on product R & D, production and sales, there have been some low-carbon technology initiatives, using new materials and components, increase online sales market development, strengthen energy-saving low-carbon of sale terminals and a series of reform initiatives.

recently Pescod pioneered in the country to build 5,000 low-carbon living museum's expansion plan, fully air-conditioned king master pushed carbon, will also pass the image, logo, materials and other means, seek a low-carbon comprehensive low-carbon living museum. The million and also opened a comprehensive energy consumption of traditional and low-carbon gas water heater Transformation curtain, and air can enter the solar water heater market, but also to transform the original product, launched a high efficiency condensing water heaters and aluminum substitution of lead leaching Copper water heater. In addition, the specialized market of biogas in rural water heater, gas stove and other new products.

at the end of March after the completion of a comprehensive restructuring, Hisense Kelon Electrical also announced that it would create "full carbon" strategy was halted and the following unit of two fixed-frequency air conditioners and refrigerators are two non-energy products , with a low-carbon business off its multi-brand strategy white business restructuring.

[corporate action]

leveraging the low-carbon living appliances launched the National Museum of Pescod Secondary layout

【】 press coverage of Cogent Beijing China last year started high marketing efficiency air conditioning after the first shot, high air-conditioning was recently Zaidufali Chi, announced in the domestic market to launch a "low carbon living museum Appliance" program, for the country two, three, four the number of market construction is about 5000 Chi full range of home appliances with high franchise stores.

Pescod side release shows that the low-carbon living museum appliances, in addition to showing Chigo air conditioning, will also appear Pescod Group refrigerators, washing machines, air to water heaters and small appliances, etc., all show out of all of the energy-saving home appliances products. Among them, the air-conditioned class admission threshold to an energy efficiency and other home appliances will also meet the national standards for energy-related products. In addition to low-carbon energy products living outside the museum, decorated in the exhibition hall layout, it will be integrated into "low carbon" concept, using energy-saving low-carbon material.

used as the living museum is the introduction of preferential high-chi, the topography of high dealer preparation way of voluntary reporting, the next blog will be the high rate of expansion and new products around the distributor to promote business cooperation speed constraints. Insiders point out that the country had Pescod two, three, four markets in the dealer network is basically dominated by air-conditioned channel, while the current through the construction of "home appliances carbon lifestyle," project operation, can skillfully Pescod's ice wash, air to water heater and other new products to market quickly, increase Pescod the original dealer's business scope and profitability point.

However, some industry concerns, the current high in the air conditioning Chi advantage of the more obvious, brand reputation and market pull are good, but in these new appliances, consumers and distributors for the product quality and performance of acceptance and understanding, but also a process. This will be constrained in the short term Pescod rapid expansion of this project.

have air-conditioning industry observers point out that the platform of high commitment in the Chi "energy saving" responsibility of a good platform to build corporate social image, but also right on the "low carbon" and "market management" integration together with carbon lifestyle as a platform, will comprehensively promote the full range of white high chi products in the second to open up the domestic market.

now Pescod as a listed company in Hong Kong, its home, and central air-conditioning business has been into the listed company's platform, but other white goods and small household appliances are not included. This time, Mr Pescod has not clearly said 5000, "carbon lifestyle," the construction of sources of funding.

million and build low-carbon products group to build a new kitchen and home appliances market

【Shunde's security is also addressed reports】 face the "traditional manufacturing industry challenges and opportunities a low carbon economy" This proposition, 10,000, and foundation chairman Lu thinks that China's traditional kitchen and home appliances industry is facing a "low-carbon baptism\The next few years, kitchen and home appliances market will usher in a low-carbon development in new growth point and inflection point.

It is understood that since last year, my kitchen and home appliances industry is facing tremendous growth opportunities: With the acceleration of urbanization process in China, the rapid construction of new countryside, the market added 8 million households each year. The next 2-3 years, at least 600 million homes a year need to replace the water heater, gas appliances and other products. The quick start rural consumption market, and further amplification of this product market space.

However, Lu basis of its view that the current kitchen appliances, represented by the traditional manufacturing industry is facing new development bottleneck. Especially in the process of transition towards a low carbon technology, the enterprises are facing opportunities and challenges, how to handle the transition process in enterprises in the short, medium and long-term interests of balance, need to enterprises in the product, look for new breakthrough technology.

reporter has learned that 10 000 and has implemented a "two-step" development strategy of low-carbon products. The first step is to adjust the product structure, the development of new energy and renewable energy products, has entered a solar water heater, air to water heaters, water heaters, biogas, biogas stoves, and other new markets. The second step is to improve efficiency in the use of traditional energy products, reduce energy consumption. As early as 2005, 10000 and have successfully developed the highest level of domestic saving rate (107%) of premix condensing gas water heater; last year to introduce new materials, innovative products Aluminum water tank water heaters, copper water tanks abandoned the original dip Lead process, using the overall welding production process, production process more energy-saving, environmental protection, thermal efficiency is improved about 6%.

Lu also said his foundation, the next 1-2 years, 10 000, and also in the national market, for the domestic terminal building of the first gas consumers with a "low-carbon store\products "low carbon certification\

> Related: rapid transformation of Chinese enterprises to go from the Consumer Electronics Association to Return Weapon up to the entire low-carbon energy products Hisense Kelon re-distribution of the global market energy-saving appliances changed to "the low-carbon" by 2010 low-carbon energy saving methods first common household appliances Daquan carbon appliance sales increased proportion Liu Cheng



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