
Small horse carts are common fear of suffering from air-conditioning company policy dependency

□ correspondent Yanbin / text

to pursue energy-efficient air conditioning, many companies have generally adopted the "mini horse cart" means to a low-power high-volume air-conditioning refrigeration compressor production device so that it can achieve "a high value of the energy efficiency of air conditioning, refrigeration capacity is guaranteed," but the direct consequence of "bad effects of air conditioning and heating, greatly shorten the life of the product."

last week, an air conditioning company told reporters that since last year, the national implementation of the "subsidy policies to promote energy-efficient air-conditioner\using low-power refrigeration compressor to produce a large volume air conditioner means. Thus, not only energy-efficient air conditioning can significantly reduce the market price, companies also receive an additional subsidy of 300-850 Yuan countries ranging from the promotion fund.

The source also disclosed that some companies now operate common approach is to use a small one compressor (22 machines, 23 machines) producing a (25 machines, 28 machines) the air-conditioning, with Small 1.5 Compressor (32 machines, 33 machines) producing a (35 machines, 36 machine) air-conditioning. Small number of enterprises may even use an air conditioner compressor 1.5.

general practices to improve energy efficiency?

one in the past 10 years air conditioning enterprise technology R & D engineers revealed that at present the market of those with "small horse cart" of energy-efficient air-conditioning, 3-5 years will not any major quality problems. However, fatigue has been in the work of the compressor stage will ultimately affect the life of air conditioning, as little as 3 years up to 5 years. Meanwhile, the electronic components for the controller will accelerate consumption. Previously, the industry recognized the air-conditioning service life 10-15 years.

reporter noted, as early as three years ago, each of the fixed-frequency air-conditioning energy efficiency upgrades on the existence of different views. Hisense Company, represented by the proposed energy efficiency rose to two directly aimed at promoting the inverter air conditioner reverse universal. The companies represented by Gree rose to 3 is recommended because it is the dehumidifying capacity of 1,2-grade air conditioning, heating and poor results.

why energy-efficient air conditioning for the existence of "dehumidifiers and heating effect of poor\The source pointed out that a 3500 watt cooling capacity of 1.5 foot air-conditioned, if only by 1.2P compressor, so air conditioning will reduce the input power, and then through the heat exchanger and air conditioning system matching and optimized on air conditioning cooling capacity can be guaranteed. As the value of air conditioning energy efficiency is the actual state of the refrigeration cooling capacity and the actual input power ratio, improved energy efficiency can not guarantee air conditioning heating air conditioning effect.

Chinese Academy of major home appliances home appliances Part One expert said the fixed-frequency current to enhance the energy efficiency of air conditioning, there are three solutions: the first is using energy-efficient compressor, the second is to expand the air-conditioning heat exchangers area, and the third is the optimization of air-conditioning system as a whole match. And related businesses have pointed out that the first two solutions will increase production costs, the latter solution requires a high technical level, at this stage for many domestic enterprises, are clearly not applicable.

a compressor corporate marketing officers said factory output of high-performance compressors little, basically no effective air conditioning compressor manufacturers all procurement orders, just some small orders. However, the market has emerged a large number of energy-efficient air-conditioning, it is hard to understand.

enterprises suffer from fear of the policy dependency

has industry observers pointed out that some companies see huge market policy driven feature, it created a dependency on the policy, which is very scary.

policy of benefiting from the introduction of energy saving, many air conditioning companies announced the shutdown on the following two products, a comprehensive transformation of an energy efficiency. But the company simply to consider how to help the policy force, and does not take into account the policy of withdrawal responses. Once the country to stop an energy-efficient air-conditioning subsidies, is that how should product companies and the market layout?

It is understood that the production costs of 1,2-grade air-conditioning there are still differences. Once the subsidies abolished, that 1,2-class products in the market price difference appeared. CNIS energy-efficiency labeling management director Wang Ruohong also clear that the subsidy policy is a matter of time out, then the market will be in two energy-efficient products.

above have pointed out that companies in developing product and market strategies have long-term planning, not only considering the immediate use of national policy, the policy must also consider the withdrawal of product planning. At present, the domestic market, the rapid rise of inverter air conditioner, air conditioner fixed frequency products are faced with 1,2-polarization level, enterprises are taking a single product focus strategy, or to take a three-dimensional multi-point product strategy is clearly not a Solutions to problems.

News Links: subsidies to promote energy-efficient air conditioners will be reduced

【Italian journalist Xu Qiang from Beijing】 With the June 1 fixed frequency Nisshin national mandatory energy efficiency standards for air conditioning will be formally implemented The market will be reduced to the current two air-conditioned 3. The reporter has learned from reliable sources, along with the fixed-frequency implementation of the new energy efficiency, on June 1 last year, the implementation of subsidy policies to promote energy-efficient air conditioners will be adjusted.

It is understood that the new subsidy policy to promote energy-saving air conditioner, inverter air conditioner is not included, while the fixed-frequency air-conditioning amount of subsidies will be substantially reduced. Among them, the cooling capacity of 7500 watts or more in fixed-frequency air-conditioning would no longer enjoy the cooling capacity of 4500 watts at a fixed frequency of -7,500-watt air-conditioning subsidies for the amount of 300 yuan, 4,500-watt following fixed-frequency air-conditioning, the amount of subsidies in the 150 200 yuan.

new subsidy policy adjustments will be released in May the same period, energy-efficient motor will launch subsidies.

along with energy-saving policy of benefiting the adjustment, will be on domestic air conditioning marketing enterprises have great influence behavior. Previously, many companies have fully fought inverter air conditioner market.

> Related: 2010, 51 high-efficiency air conditioning play a key role during the two fixed-frequency air-conditioning will stage "The Last Supper," 51 energy-intensive air conditioning started early promotion delisting Bargain inverter air conditioner energy efficiency "streak of three" charming eyes



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