
Interview Nokia Yuan Deng redefine the digital music industry chain

Sina Technology News April 8 pm news, record labels and Internet companies big lawsuits still in front of the press, but today, Nokia was able to work with partners to major record companies, jointly launched the "enjoy music with" genuine free music download service. Nokia executives told Sina science and technology exclusive interview that the service will redefine the digital music industry chain.

and charges due to copyright issues, record labels and Internet companies had more than a contest of strength, lawsuits continue. Even if Apple iTunes music store has received genuine costs, and be DRM protected.

Nokia today jointly Shenzhen, China Activity Flying jointly launched the "enjoy the music as" music service. According to Nokia's global vice president of Nokia (China) Vice Chairman Tang Yuan? Introduced consumers to 8 Nokia phone or a computer-related website login, you can download and enjoy hundreds of thousands of head of genuine music, and promised a year for free and unlimited downloads. Consumers can also own multiple devices to share between the free, not restricted by digital rights (DRM Free).

"in the past, it is difficult to imagine record companies can provide the music does not contain DRM. Since 2000, the digital music era has come, unfortunately, is the record companies and the Internet there is no agreement, the final is a 'lose-lose'. "LIU Xiao-song, Chairman of China Activity Flying Sina science and technology in the acceptance of an exclusive interview, said," After almost 10 years of efforts, and today I believe that from the record companies to Internet companies able to reach a cooperative model. Because we are facing a new market, a new opportunity, if mishandled, the market there will be no. "

Tang Yuan? said, Nokia has 29 countries and regions abroad, introduced the Class of service, but only in DRM-China market canceled 了, "I think digital music Jin Ru Dao China Xu Yao Some breakthrough. now enjoy the services of China yes music with the abolition of DRM in Quanqiu first month of the market."

" enjoy music with the music service in the new historical stage, will redefine the digital music industry chain. "Nokia Greater China Marketing Live Product Marketing Director, said Shen comprehensive on the SAN.

enjoy music through the music with the service, consumers can obtain free genuine music, music people can really get their due rewards. "Nokia is the world probably more than 1.3 billion mobile phone users, many of the future Chinese music Chinese people can take advantage of this huge platform to China up music onto the world, foreign musicians can also benefit the Chinese market." Deng dollars? said that for the Nokia itself, "enjoy the music with the launch of services consumers are willing to buy can become one of the reasons Nokia products." (Zhang)

The following is the exclusive interviews Record:

Host: Sina good friends at noon! China Welcome to the conference guests to enjoy music with the chat room, sitting next to me were vice president of Nokia, Nokia vice chairman Tang Yuan? President, there is Mr. Liu Xiaosong, Chairman of China flying action, welcomed the arrival of the two. Just general chat with Tang China's consumers a free mobile music particularly interested in, so first of all introduce the Nokia Deng total flying jointly with China moving music sharing services with the vision of what?

Tang Yuan?: China is a very large music market, China is the world's largest mobile phone market, we provide music to enjoy and China with the Flying dynamic cooperation, will make the whole market to have better music experience, this experience is of high quality music and is legal. High-quality music with the PC, mobile phone anytime, anywhere to enjoy music, I think these experiences are very popular consumer.

Moderator: Why flying with China moving to co-operate? Do you think their strengths in what areas?

Tang Yuan?: As a global company, we introduced the world to enjoy music with a lot of places are more important to find some markets to foreign trade, to enjoy music with a certain feel for the consumer to make local his taste, to enjoy. China Flying is a very dynamic strength of the local music companies, has a history of success in terms of content, technology and the operational aspects of the model in this industry are very successful. Nokia's global company and, together with local Chinese action flying this powerful co-operation of companies to provide music services to local consumers in particular absolutely love, especially to enjoy the music experience.

Moderator: We are looking forward to this consumer. Manager Liu also to introduce the model of cooperation is what? Co-operation between the roles played by each?

LIU Xiao-song: it should be said to enjoy music with a Chinese move flying in the development and launch of a product, Nokia has in the global mobile phone industry in the largest market share, through a combination between the two, I believe we can Flying to China already has a large number of dynamic content and local operating experience both for domestic consumers, on the one hand can also be provided to foreign interest in original music for the Chinese consumer. China has been looking forward to moving flying the arrival of such a situation, even earlier, and domestic partners a number of important developments in the promotion of legitimate music, after a long time after the efforts of some of the situation, now with Nokia to share music with and China moving flying onto the consumer when the genuine situation of China's music career will be a good boost. Flying in the past five years China has been moving accumulated more than 70,000 first song, there are more than 10,000 artists and creators, the way the Internet publishing, distribution and direct to consumers, in such a way that I believe digital music time, another Nokia mobile phone and keep a large volume of sales, I believe that consumers already own mobile phones will bring a great surprise, on going to buy a new Nokia phone will be a surprise to consumers, but also to the creator We have over 10,000 songs more creative and bring consumers do, but also legal copy, it is I have been looking forward to and promote things.

Moderator: Thank you, Manager Liu.

LIU Xiao-song: I add, is the capital of more than 70,000 original music, this release is far more than these, including record companies, and major international and domestic record companies, provide general the number of several 100,000.

Tang Yuan?: Manager Liu talked about China moving flying just above the first with more than 70,000 original songs, music with hundreds of thousands of songs available to enjoy them.

Host: genuine free music consumers are expectations. 2 How should we view digital music freedom?

Tang Yuan?: I think digital music into China, we need some breakthroughs, break through what is it? We want more people to face up to the genuine demands to raise the music, but also hope to pass on the experience of the consumer a better experience. Music to enjoy this service with the phone, PC, the Internet can be done on the overall experience is very good. Since we launched this partnership and the services to market acceptance of legitimate music, degree requirements, this industry has more space, the business models, there are more innovative, to music that can really huge market in China, they should have been something in return, so our entire music market in China has been flourishing industry can, we can see more original, more creative. Because we have a large global scale, Nokia is the world probably more than 13 million Nokia users are using our mobile phones, we hope to have a huge global platform for the future a lot of Chinese music Chinese people to take advantage of the huge platform China's creation onto the world up so that other consumers, regardless of his place in the world where Chinese people can enjoy our music.

Moderator: I would like to Manager Liu also agree that music sharing services with the breakthrough in the digital music era. In the domestic digital music there are other operators, do you think music sharing service break with the meaning and value?

LIU Xiao-song: Digital Music in China and around the world are just beginning, space is very large, think about the times before the CD, music is for everyone to bring a very happy feeling. But the digital music era, some retrieval happy because this time in the digital music inside, a good business model and do not establish a good business model, record companies for the network, the phone's music and Internet companies, including operators in this area The view is inconsistent, but after almost 10 years of efforts, our common pursuit, to today, I believe from the record company to the Internet companies are able to achieve a cooperative model, with today's music has enjoyed a breakthrough. Used to be hard to imagine record companies to remove the DRM (Digital Rights Management) can provide, it is difficult to imagine. Beginning last year, four major record companies consider themselves to be innovative, always talking like Deng, make sure to innovation in China in the world do have innovation, because this is a new era. We are facing a new market, a new opportunity, if mishandled, there will be no market. We face the problem is not that how we compete with other providers, this is not the most important issue. The most important question is how to reduce piracy, how to reduce piracy but also improve the consumer experience at the same time, it is more difficult questions. I would like to enjoy music with a great innovation and a good situation, I believe the legalization of music, music, music creation and consumption are driven helpful.

Moderator: just the two mentioned this model is quite innovative, more change, more breakthrough model. As far as I know, Comes With Music this service, Nokia has already introduced other parts of the world over, please tell us Deng total development of the situation in those areas.

Tang Yuan?: Enjoy the music with the launch of about 18 months, 29 in the global market, our current development is still quite good, and now will continue in more markets. For example, our 18-month 29 is a global digital music market is a very quick introduction, we see that iTunes, the market is smaller than we. Therefore, we have in this area a very high expectations, is to Nokia, the size of some of our mobile music experience for consumers will increase. Currently in the development of the BRICs has done very well, is the only market in China is so big in the market, we certainly hope to one brand of Nokia phones in China, the first market share in digital music to occupy the leading position, which is our current goal.

Moderator: We know that phone is no longer a far end, the back has been linked with the services and platforms, music sharing services with the launch of adapt to this trend. Before we all know there is a Nokia Ovi service platform, now enjoy the music with the music services and Ovi is how to differentiate and position?

Tang Yuan?: Ovi brand of our overall service, the Ovi above, there Ovi music, music is enjoyed with Ovi, and there are others, including Ovi shops and other information services, etc. This is the transformation of the Nokia mobile phone from one company to the Internet services company, Ovi services brand as a whole brand is part of music to enjoy with.

Moderator: such a very attractive service for the consumer launch of Nokia's market should give impetus to what you have expected to do this?

Tang Yuan?: I just talked about Nokia will continue to offer a variety of different services, we feel that music for most people, almost everyone is a very attractive entertainment. Regardless of the age in which the consumer has his favorite music. If we continue to expand the provision of music on the whole market will be very attractive. Of course, we hope that this will become a lot of consumers are willing to buy one reason Nokia's products.

Moderator: It should be a great temptation. Two pairs of Chinese music market healthy lack of confidence?

LIU Xiao-song: I have talked about since 2000, the digital music era has come, that time is a typical example of a B2B situation out, unfortunately, is the record companies and the Internet there is no agreement, did not reach a good situation, and finally "lose-lose" a. Among the next time, digital music in the development stage in 2005, genuine music publishing, greatly promoted the development of the market. China has done a A8.com dynamic flying original network, and now record companies do not see a lot of new album, the reason is because the piracy very seriously, and we do to promote the Internet, today only 70,000 songs and create thousands of staff is very active on the Internet continues to create. Waited until today to enjoy music with genuine way to the consumer, I believe that this not only take care of the user experience, but also to the emotional aspects of care, such a win-win scenario, I think very significant.

Moderator: Digital music now has two channels, the Internet and mobile Internet, Deng total, the two channels are what you expected it?

Tang Yuan?: China is the world's largest Internet market, is the world's largest mobile Internet market, I think the growth of mobile Internet faster than the traditional Internet, mobile Internet will definitely last more than the Internet, Because the Internet anywhere in your hand, is most likely to provide value, wherever the music is very valuable. Therefore, we have good confidence in the mobile Internet.

Moderator: Thank you both. Today's interview ended.

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