
Interview with Good Technology CTO exploring cooperation with Chinese enterprises

Sina Technology News April 19 News, Good Technology, a senior vice president and chief technology officer Anders Wasterlid told Sina science and technology interview revealed that the number of large enterprises in China to discuss possible business cooperation. He said that not too long, many Chinese companies will use the company's products.

Video: Interview with Good Technology CTO Media Source: Sina Technology

Good Technology is the innovative mobile push e-mail one of the earliest, from 1996 into the field and has been in development. Currently, the company provides mobile device access and synchronization tools for mobile data, mobile applications, access and other mobile services. Its products include push e-mail, personal information synchronization, mobile social networking, enterprise information access shared, embedded synchronization engine and wireless device management and so on.

operating platform is the diversity of the advantages of Good Technology, the program can run on almost all smart phone platforms, such as: Android, iPhone, WebOS, WinCE, Symbian, Java, Brew and so on.

now, Good Technology in the United States, Silicon Valley, San Diego, Dallas, London, England, France, Bordeaux, Beijing and Tianjin in China R & D Center

Anders Wasterlid, the company is developing a new platform called Good Dynamics, this new platform, based in part on existing technologies, and make across operating system platforms or adding a new operating system platform is simple.

previously, Good Technology has developed applications for the iPhone, but for popular products iPad support program is also in development, "when the iPad approaching, it is natural that we will our solutions extends to the iPad above, in fact, in our laboratory in Tianjin, we have to do iPad work, so that our program can run well on the iPad. we have not completely finished, but in the laboratory , we have seen in the iPad to run the program. "" In two weeks, we should be able to finish. "

e-book platform in the mobile email service is the company's plan one. Anders Wasterlid said: "We are working with PlasticLogic signed an agreement with PlasticLogic we have announced a partnership to provide mobile e-mail at the e-book. It is worth mentioning that the new Good Dynamics platform scalability is excellent, so , adding a new platform is very easy. "

for development in China, Anders Wasterlid that currently its main goal is to OEM manufacturers. "We have an embedded solution, it is most suitable for the Chinese market. Over time, we will push into China's corporate e-mail market. Therefore, we look forward to the opportunity to come. In addition, it is clear We can also cooperate with the Chinese carriers to provide them with the technical program. "

Good Technology's predecessor in 1996, Visto Corporation was founded in Silicon Valley. 2009 GOOD TECHNOLOGY Visto completed the acquisition of the company and changed its name to Good Technology.

Anders Wasterlid that has been acquired by the company to consider. "I think we will care for these two types of companies, one is that they have mobile communications and mobile collaboration key technology; another type of company which is a very powerful mobile platform development capabilities, and the top winner. "

When asked whether there is a specific acquisition targets, Anders Wasterlid said:" Yes, but I do not want to publish their names. "

photo: Anders-Wasterlid and the right to host static (Wen yuan / photo)

The following is full text of interview:

Sina technology: Hello, Anders, Welcome to Sina interview.

Anders Wasterlid: Thank you. Very happy to come here to talk to you about our company Good Technology and what we do in China.

Sina Technology: We know that Good Technology 2004 has been well on to China, perhaps because you do B2B business, so most ordinary people do not know your company. So, first of all can you first introduce yourself and your company?

Anders Wasterlid: Good. Overall, I would say three things:

First, we are a pioneer in the field of mobile phone messages. You probably know some of the other companies in this area, such as the RIM BlackBerry and other companies do, we do earlier than they should. We are now talking about push mail mobile phone, one of the earliest innovations, from 1996 into the field and has been in development.

Second, the same time, we are also a survivor. Because there was among many companies in this area, but now, many of them have disappeared. Some, was that we acquired.

Historically speaking, the past, we pay more attention to Europe, the U.S. market. In 2004, we entered China, primarily for two reasons: First, where there is a very good technical capacity; Second, in the future we expect a greater range of China and Asia, we have many customers. So, here we opened two new R & D centers, one in Beijing and one in Tianjin.

third thing I want to say is: In the past, especially in China, we are not a popular brand. We are very well known in the U.S., 50% of the Fortune 500 companies use our e-mail push technology. Although not as well known as the United States, but in Europe, we are all men Good brand is well known. In China and other Asian countries, to face the public, we are not yet known, but we provide to many well-known technology companies, such as: Softbank (Japan) on the use of our technology, LG (South Korea) are also used. We are working with many large enterprises in China to discuss possible business cooperation. So, I think, not too long, many companies in China will use our products. In addition, many well-known brand operators also use our software to deliver messages to their customers.

Sina Technology: Great, you have many famous customers worldwide, I believe that soon, you will become very famous in China. At the same time, we are very interested in your company name in English Good Technology. Because your company has gone through many mergers and acquisitions, company's name is not there is hidden behind the many stories? In addition, your company name Good Technology, that your technical merit reflected in what areas?

Anders Wasterlid: This is a good question. In fact, I joined the company, the company called Visto, Visto was acquired from the hands of Motorola Good Technology, Good Technology push e-mail after the company is also a cell phone, and very successful in the enterprise market. It has a very good brand, as well described the brand's core values, that is to provide good quality, very safe to send the message and to help you on the services provided by well controlled. For businesses, information security is important, because business users do not want your message read by others. Time of acquisition, because we think it a good set of core values, so Visto Corporation changed its name to Good Technology. Another point, very early in the market, we are in this area have a good patent. As we just mentioned, as, RIM compensate us last year 267.5 million U.S. dollars. The reason so is because we are Good Technology has a good technology and patents.

Sina Technology: Well, since referred to RIM, we are very interested in this story, because we know that the 267.5 million U.S. dollars to compensate them, why they give you so much money? The relationship you now what?

Anders Wasterlid: Speaking of relationships, in fact, we do not entirely a pure competition. Typically, the user selects Good Technology's technology because they want to choose their own mobile phone to read messages in any mobile phone to provide e-mail push functionality, both HTC phones, LG, Motorola, Nokia or other brands. But also because users need a fully secure E-mail solutions. In a sense, RIM is a competitor, because they provide enterprise-class mobile E-mail services. Of course, the end of the litigation, RIM compensation since they have the right to use our patents, so we have not left between the problems. However, I believe they will view us as competitors, the same, we will regard them as competitors. We did not face competition every day, and this area there are still competitors. This is one of the biggest reasons to use our technology, so I said we are not just competitors, but we do not often touch.

Sina Technology: So that the competition is fierce ah.

Anders Wasterlid: Yes, indeed.

Sina Technology: In addition to RIM outside, we know that your software and services to support virtually all mobile platforms, for example: iPhone, Symbian, and other brands, so you have a new plan to support Nokia and Intel together introduced MeeGo products?

Anders Wasterlid: Yes. In addition, we are doing a future platform, called: Good Dynamics, part of the new platform, based on our current technology, and allows cross platform or to join the new platform is simple. With Good Dynamics, we can introduce MeeGo platform is very simple, when MeeGo platform to enter the market, we may infer MeeGo platform support. Have a Good Dynamics platform, so that we have a stronger competitive edge, because it also allows us to support the new Symbian platform, the new MeeGo platform, the new Windows platform, for example, this year will come out of the new Windows Mobile 7 platform and the Android platform easier. Of course there are other new platforms, such as Samsung, like the upcoming Bada platform supported by Good Dynamics. All of our applications can run above those platforms.

Sina Technology: MeeGo outside, we talk about iPad, because after a few days, many people will get the iPad, they will love, so, do you think iPad how, do you have any iPad The plan?

Anders Wasterlid: iPad is. We have support for iPhone, in fact, over the past four months, the iPhone platform in the U.S., we have added more than 1,000 enterprise customers, and there are many users in Europe. Of these iPhone users, they use our technology because they need a secure E-mail environment, so they can be used like as Android and Windows Mobile phones to operate and manage iPhone.

for us, when the iPad approaching, it is natural that we will extend our solutions to the iPad above, in fact, in our laboratory in Tianjin, we have been doing iPad work, so that our program can run well on the iPad. We have not completely finished, but in the laboratory, we have seen in the iPad to run the program.

Sina Technology: We are looking forward to.

Anders Wasterlid: In the next two weeks, we should be able to finish.

Sina Technology: Very good. Let us say that the trend of mobile Internet, because we have seen that trend, we are very in curious to know, in addition to other cell phone, your solution will be used in other places?

Anders Wasterlid: Yes. This is our R & D Good Dynamics for another reason, that is, over time, we only have laptops, there will be cell phones, we believe that there is equipment in between, iPad is a good example of So we see a large family of device, for example, said: We are signing an agreement with PlasticLogic, we have announced a partnership with PlasticLogic in the e-book available on mobile e-mail. It is worth mentioning that the new Good Dynamics platform scalability is excellent, so very easy to add new platform.

Sina Technology: We have discussed a number of products, we know that the Chinese market is extremely competitive market, because all the big companies come here to compete. Therefore, I would like to know the purpose of your visit to Beijing mainly to what? You will bring any new plans to Beijing?

Anders Wasterlid: Yes. China is now our team is not only serving the Chinese market, but to serve the global market. This is the world's two main R & D centers. I came here because we've developed very quickly, we have decided to further develop in China, so our R & D center in Tianjin moved into a new office, and we opened in Beijing, a new R & D center. We have recently acquired a company called Cloudsync, do mobile device management. We believe, this will be our future based device management solution, and we have decided to all solutions center in Beijing by China Suo 承担. We will be more and more responsibility to the R & D centers in China, not only to provide support, but to many key areas of primary responsibility for R & D center in China.

Sina Technology: You have mentioned many times in Tianjin, we know you to six years in Tianjin, Tianjin R & D center is developing one?

Anders Wasterlid: as a research and development sites, the pros and cons of Tianjin, Tianjin not have much of the software industry, and major cell phone software, not through our efforts, in the past six years, we have in Tianjin created a very capable, very powerful team. Our team is very stable, so we have a very experienced team. This is our core business in China forces. We believe that it is now in Beijing with our new R & D centers will complement each other. In Beijing, there are a lot of telecommunications and mobile technology R & D center, so not far from the center of the two will form a very good combination. I take the Tianjin Capital International Express, just half an hour, it can shuttle between the two places is really amazing. I believe that communication and collaboration between them will be very smooth.

Sina Technology: Good. I want to know: how many people you will be a new hire?

Anders Wasterlid: we have started in Beijing, the first of three to 40 people to 150 people in Tianjin. We may be content in the existing office at 200 people, of course, depends on our ability to achieve team goals now. I think we will easily exceed this goal, but we will step by step manner.

Sina technology: we all know, the whole world know that 'Made in China' the word, this may be because of relatively cheap labor in China, so, do you think the R & D in the telecommunications field, China's human resources than other National cheap it?

Anders Wasterlid: Yes.

Sina technology: It will be very important to you.

Anders Wasterlid: I do not want to hide our mind is where we can get a relatively low price of good R & D capabilities. This is our greatest motivation to come to China. Of course, the influx of foreign capital, local labor costs are also increasing, which for the Chinese people, they need to improve R & D capabilities, because the cost is gradually narrowing the gap, so everyone can progress. But this, I do not worry, because, in China, there are many very good people. We need here, of course, the whole of Asia is also on our long-term growing market. With the improvement of human capital, our team here, have to provide their efficiency. Of course, we were in the past 6 years, very gratifying to see the progress, so we continue to invest, we can see our team getting better and better, of course, when we look at hiring talent is very critical, we have talent the market already has 'only hiring the best talent' reputation.

Sina Technology: We all think you come to China because of low labor costs and China's huge market.

Anders Wasterlid: Yes. Talking about low labor costs, if only because of this, we will not come to China, where the ability to be good Caixing. The quality of talent must be very good. In other words, not a cheap but not excellent, superior to both clean it.

Sina Technology: Yes. If China is as good as the talent if talent with the United States, where labor cost is lower.

Anders Wasterlid: is the case. This is the reason we chose here.

Sina technology: good, now let's talk about the Chinese market. China's telecom market is growing rapidly, so you want to China's huge telecommunications market, what for?

Anders Wasterlid: I think that now our main goal is to OEM manufacturers. We have an embedded solution, it is most suitable for the Chinese market. Over time, we will push into China's corporate e-mail market. Therefore, we look forward to the arrival of this opportunity. In addition, it is clear that we can cooperate with the Chinese carriers to provide them with the technical program.

Sina technology: the case of China and other countries may be different, we have three large carriers, so you think: How will your company with Chinese operators, equipment manufacturers co na?

Anders Wasterlid: we have with China's mobile operators have access, we are now is not their supplier. We hope to have this opportunity, but for the time being this has not happened. Like I said, as short-term business cooperation with the equipment is more likely to. Because many equipment manufacturers see the iPhone on Apple's actions have also seen the behavior on the Android, they want their cell phones have email push, synchronization of personal information, social networking links and more. So they come back with us. So, I think this may be the first possible business opportunities.

Sina Technology: Yes. In addition to other carriers, you with the cooperation of China's Internet companies do, as we Sina, Baidu, QQ, or other such Internet companies.

Anders Wasterlid: Also a very natural thing to do is: when we provide services to Chinese consumers, we will need content providers, the demand for the event, we will with Sina and other Internet company partnerships. Now, we and many of the major overseas Internet companies have reached an agreement so that we may not provide the content provided by content, but we will concern the contents of the mainstream of business, of course, in general, OEM and mobile operators, they also would have signed with the relationship between mainstream carriers.

Sina Technology: When we refer to China's telecom industry, there are many large Internet companies also have created a large number of very small companies, whether you are a smaller company with the acquisition plan or cooperative plan?

Anders Wasterlid: I can not say that we already have concrete plans, but give an example: In the past 1 years, I myself have personally experienced both the assessment of companies in Beijing, of course, We have not bought any company, of course, you know, history, tradition, we are very good at constantly acquire promising small companies. Therefore, I also do not rule out this possibility. Remember six years ago, in China, we are a company through the acquisition and set up. Therefore, the acquisition is a card you, I think, but not to say that we already have concrete proposals. If we see similar companies with our business, combined together can become stronger, we might consider acquiring.

Sina Technology: M & A if you do, your acquisition goals?

Anders Wasterlid: I think we will care about these two companies: One is they have mobile communications and mobile collaboration in the field of key technologies; another type of company which is a very strong development in the mobile platform ability, and great achievements in the above. Is a very good strength development company.

Sina technology: that you have noticed what specific company?

Anders Wasterlid: Yes. However, I do not want their names published.

Sina Technology: Good. Good luck. Thank you for giving us so much information on Good Technology. Can you talk about now, we know you are in this industry has a very good experience, and we also know that China's telecom operators are hoping to play in the international market increasingly important role, you have what they suggestions?

Anders Wasterlid: I have been working for the Spanish telecommunications group, although not so much China Mobile, but it is also a big global operators. Operators face many challenges, because the world is changing fast. In many parts of the world, providing mobile operators the ability to gradually weakened, in terms of China's operators, it is gratifying is that: they have great influence, and continue to introduce innovative products, services. So now, especially in communications, such as push mobile email and social networks, they have good opportunities to enter and become winners, as we have seen successful examples of South Korea the same operator. So, if I were a carrier in China, I will concentrate on communications, communications between each other in one area, but avoid too many unrelated businesses. Because the Internet is easy to open and difficult to maintain, and the media companies will provide content to do the appropriate things, it would be my suggestion. China Mobile has joined the mainstream and a large number of international co-operation between operators, for example: a called JIL, which is co-innovation lab, they are jointly developing a mobile browser to do for the component system. It will provide users with new services. Therefore, it is clear to see that operators are not satisfied with China's status quo, they actively participate in and lead international cooperation. Has a huge domestic market more than 1 billion population, I believe they have the opportunity to become very successful in the international arena.

Sina Technology: In addition I would like to get some suggestions from you, we know that you had served as 2005-2008 Chairman of OMTP, so you think that China needs to have its own OMTP it?

Anders Wasterlid: I'm not enough of China's market familiarity, it is difficult to give specific recommendations in particular. I think that operators provide predictable service is very beneficial, so that even if the user for the operator, they can also work the same way. This is why I say that operators should be devoted to communications services, whether voice service, mail service, or social networking services, they should consider a consistent user experience, which they have a reason for their own OMTP. So, although they still competition, but they can do some basic agreement on, and this is the establishment of the root causes of OMTP. That is, if we can be consistent with these large operators to agree to some basic elements, so that we can easily affect the mobile phone manufacturers. Therefore, operators can maintain their influence to ensure that we provide users with a good user experience.

Sina Technology: Finally, we would like you to discuss the situation in China. I do not know you did not notice, the financial crisis, many small companies, especially in the IT area which gradually shrink and even bankruptcy, but the big companies will be based on government support growing, I wonder if you noticed such a situation ? Do you think organizations such as the OMTP how they can help small and medium enterprises?

Anders Wasterlid: This is a good question. I think that any industry organizations such as the OMTP actually opened up a new market, so OMTP actually produce a set of platform specifications. Is actually the other outside companies, including small companies, said: If you are willing to comply with this standard, we, as operators will be more willing to buy your product. Therefore, OMTP did was: create a market for small companies. A lot of time, you can see, is easier to benefit small companies because they do not have many vested interests to protect. So, if you are LG, Samsung or other large consumer brands, you will feel the threat by the OMTP, because you would think, is in control of your operators, and when you are a small company, you will want to damn, This is the operator that they want, as long as we comply with norms, we can meet the needs of mobile operators. The look, the needs of mobile operators are the same, so our small companies, to provide good products and services easier Rights.

Sina Technology: Great. Typically, every time I would look at the camera the respondents said their customers a few words, because Good Technology is not in China, too many clients, I do not know if you would like to take this opportunity to say to our audience a few?

Anders Wasterlid: Oh, I want to say two things, Good Technology has been in China, we in China and has 6 years, long-term stay, we will, we hope to do two things : 1 is: Although we can not provide you with specific product, but hope that many of you will become our satisfied customers and the other is: we hope that there are many talented people to join us, join us work. Although this is a very complex task, but we are paving the way for this.

Sina technology: a good, thank you, thank you to busy to accept our interview.

Anders Wasterlid: Thank you.

Sina technology: Thank you.

interview with Good Technology CTO Media Source: Sina Technology Play Video



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