
You pushed quietly cool independent video search website soku.com

You cool cool independent video search website search

Sina Technology News on April 19 morning news, Baidu's video site in the Internet line on the eve of Fantastic Art, video site Youku nets quietly launched independent video search website soku.com, the site can Youku network video within the video and search the entire network.

Although not the site Youku nets for large-scale promotion, not the site for comment. However, industry believes that Youku network cable on the eve of the Fantastic Art online push for the whole network of independent video search, it is possible to check on the Fantastic Art Baidu network traffic may tilt.

According to previous media reports, Youku nets in early March to buy soku.com independent domain name, but then jump to the excellent Cool Search, has only been open for the whole network search. Youku network insiders said the search platform developed entirely by the independent Youku is currently still in closed beta stage.

have pointed out that the video industry, video sites are now facing a problem: the flow is mainly from search engines, video sites have been trying to increase user stickiness, want to encourage users to watch videos directly from video sites habits, of course, to do independent video search is one of the methods.

Baidu announced last year, the video search company, has started to worry a lot of video sites that Fantastic Art Network will promote the use of Baidu search results, and this will squeeze other video site traffic and market share Therefore, all the odd arts and promoting on-line network is very concerned about.

for the speculation Fantastic Art Network CEO Gong Yu in response to an interview, called "Fantastic Art is a joint venture subsidiary, Baidu, in accordance with the" Anti-Unfair Competition Law, "this problem does not exist . Baidu video will adhere to the principle that only the clarity, fluency itself to be the best, will be recommended. "

also have industry experience, excellent cool network itself as a video site, even if the introduction of independent of the whole network video search, it will inevitably tilt within the search results have been questioned. "From the copyright war of words to search and layout, video sites will become more intense this year's competition, after the close fight in some markets may be able to set the final pattern." (Tracy)

> Related Reading: Youku said "speculation drama" is sad Youku video industry publication, said the copyright to buy 80% of the building list of copyright of the original Chen Jun, vice president of sales Youku joined Ku6



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