
Business contributions to 650 000 female college students to help uremic kidney transplant (Figure)

"surgery was very successful! Sincerely thank the good people Tsang selfless help, if not his concern has always been, Jimmy Ting Ting Ting may not be settled. Here, we once again by Southern Metropolis Daily corner of Sir Donald to say - thank you! "At 8 o'clock on the 10th just after listening to a very successful surgical surgeon firm reply, mother of Miss Long Jimmy Tingting as tension has finally loosened Zuanjin fist. Unable to bear in mind the joy of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College, is to accompany her daughter Miss Long operated on immediately to the Southern Metropolis Daily journalists and family far away in Sanya good news.

this point, suffering from uremia tortured nearly two years of wheat Tingting Sanya female students, people in love Mr Tsang have contributed a total of 3 650 thousand yuan with the help of a successful kidney transplant.

good Samaritan to rescue two female university students uremia contributions 350 000

March 2 this year, female students in understanding wheat due to Sanya Tingting serious risk of renal failure (uremia) and lung erosion, one of Mr. Tsang has never met the two for their contributions to 350 thousand yuan situation, the newspaper published a big news - "contributions to 350 thousand of good are you? If girls with a reporter asked: Sir Donald, we just want to personally thank you! "Cause strong repercussions.

2008 年 3 months, Mr Tsang travel fly to Hainan, Sanya female college students to see Michael Tingting reports seriously ill afford after treatment, without hesitation donated 300,000 yuan. Meanwhile, social sectors and caring people who have also extended a helping hand.

can doctors told Michael Tingting, before doing transplant surgery, must have been a little better treatment of serious lung erosion and adhere to three times a week dialysis. April 2009, Michael Tingting After treatment, the transplant kidney transplant can be done, and the kidneys are found in Guangzhou. However, the difficulties faced by Ting-Ting Mak is donated meals to nearly 40 million, also had seven or eight million borrowed, the high cost of treatment per day, and the remaining 100,000 yuan, while only a kidney transplant transplant would cost 23 million, not including the cost of care later. At that time, Mr Tsang about the situation, expressed the intention to contribute 400 thousand yuan for the Jimmy Ting-Ting. But then, by sweeping the global financial crisis, his business was badly affected, had to reduce tax.

But Mr Tsang did not give up on Jimmy Ting Ting's concerns, from time to time through a friend about Jimmy Ting-Ting's condition. February 24 this year, Mr Tsang learned through a friend, Michael Ting-Ting's mother Miss Long to borrow her daughter's medical expenses and describing the wage card mortgage, he shall immediately exchange 50,000 yuan love to Michael Ting-Ting's bank card account in order to address the urgent needs of Jimmy Ting-Ting 1, and said that wheat Tingting Contact kidneys, all expenses paid by him ... ...

girls transplant kidneys surgery to find good people donate another 300 000

4 9, the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College, called to tell Miss Long, a kidney has been found, if you want to transplant to be rushed to Guangzhou as soon as possible. Miss Long one, happy almost jumped up and immediately told the news her husband is at work. But in February Mr Tsang donated 50,000 yuan, more than a month in pay for dialysis costs, medical expenses only after the now left more than 30,000 yuan. Later, she borrowed money from friends and relatives, they are helpless helpless. Miss Long face of joy immediately disappeared.

noon, try holding the attitude of Miss Long before the call to contact Mr. Tsang has been with her friends in Sanya. Mr Tsang's friends heard immediately after the call to Mr Tsang. But the moment they can not contact, Mr Tsang's friends had sent messages to tell him. About 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Mr Tsang called his friends in Sanya, let him tell Miss Long immediately with Michael Ting-Ting Guangzhou surgery, surgery costs all by him. After hearing the news, Miss Long and her husband now buy air tickets sent to Ting-Ting Mak Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College.

about 18:30, three of them arrived in Guangzhou, immediately rushed to the hospital ready for surgery. Unexpectedly, as Miss Long who was only 3 million yuan, not enough parking. Therefore, the hospital expressed helpless.

how to do? Is it back on? Desperate among the Miss Long thought of her daughter in Hainan Provincial People's Hospital of treating physician, or he can be of assistance, and hospitals explain the situation, such as Sir Donald's contribution to the after section of back. So, she immediately called to Hainan Provincial People's Hospital doctor. Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College of surgeon Dr Michael Ting Ting has been well-intentioned people heard Mr Tsang and the donor community caring person immediately after the Internet to find information about related reports Ting-Ting Mak. When he saw the newspaper and other media have reported that Mr Tsang had contributions to Michael Ting-ting, after reports of 350,000 yuan, and finally decided to Jimmy Ting-Ting surgery.

been arranged, at 0:20 on the April 10, Michael Tingting finally lay on the operating table. Anxiously waiting for nearly three hours later, 3:28, Jimmy was introduced Tingting operating room. Waiting at the side of Miss Long and her husband touched her daughter's head came up, whispered her name. After a child, when the wheat when the existence of a pink Tingting urine excreted in the urine, the doctor told Miss Long, which marked just for the kidney has a role to play in her daughter's body.

Miss Long said, on April 10 around 15:30 pm, Sir Donald's friend called to tell her that Mr Tsang told Jimmy Ting-Ting circumstances not afford the surgery, surgery has hit 300,000 Jimmy Ting-Ting's bank card. She rushed to the banks to view, really, 300,000 has been credited into account. So far, Mr Tsang has three times for a total of 650,000 yuan donated wheat Tingting.

Miss Long said, and now, daughter Ting-Ting has been transferred to intensive care unit, intensive care unit needs to observe one to two days time to turn to the general ward, if the rejection does not appear, immediately after half a month home retreats.

not that good people can only name for the girls family benefactor wishes

even more moving is that, until now, this has three contributions to 650 thousand yuan to Michael Ting-Ting Mak Ting-ting of Mr Tsang and have never seen a side, even the usual greetings telephone, text messaging is by Tsang friends tell of. Jimmy Ting-Ting 1 do not know Mr Tsang's real name, is where people are doing such work.

Miss Long said that since Mr Tsang donations to help her daughter, she has repeatedly told her friend to Sir Donald Tsang's name, is where the person, telephone number, etc., so that her family had to spell it Mr. say "thank you\She hoped that the press can help, inquire about Sir Donald's name, phone number and so on.

this evening, when the reporter friend of Mr Tsang said that since Mr Tsang that the spirit of such a helpful and respectful, the wheat Tingting family also hope that when the face of his gratitude, even if the phone line to say thank you also When Sir Donald's friend, said more than two years, although Jimmy Ting-ting to his family on several occasions to Mr Tsang's phone number, but clearly Mr Tsang told him he did not plan anything, just trying to do his own can do some good work fills a Tingting not have to tell Jimmy that his real name, phone number and unit name and so on. Therefore, he also Mr. Xiang Zeng said that since he did not want to disclose any circumstances, he would not reveal to Jimmy Ting-ting any of his family situation. Tsang's friend said, in fact, not only helped Jimmy Tsang Ting Ting a person, it was his understanding of life, Mr Tsang has been happy to help anyone in trouble, but he was more low-key Bale. In this regard, he can not do anything.

21 时 30 minutes, when the reporter told Miss Long, Sir Donald Tsang's friends are reluctant to disclose the specific situation, Miss Long said, said that "by the grace of people dripping, the smallest favor," As Mr Tsang help them busy at home so much so that they do not know the name, they only promised 650 thousand hearts desire: I wish Mr Tsang business prospered, and happiness ... ...



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