
Abandoned children in various incision are 19-year-old mother admitted the neck with a knife kids

continuous newspaper reported incidents of abandoned baby boy was cut-throat with the latest developments, yesterday, Sanshui, police said the three involved the Department of water trip hotel sauna cashier Zhou boy yesterday confessed to the chest and neck appeared 7 for the sharp cut for himself. Police notified, said Zhou young women are unmarried, did not know she was pregnant in the case, suddenly gave birth to baby boy, and later for fear of workers aware of, then use the fruit knife harm the baby.

's investigation found that the baby father as of this writing has not appeared. Police said the man had been interviewed because the case did not involve the police to disclose their identity. Currently, Zhou suspected abandonment, intentional killing of criminal coercive measures taken by the police.

re: baby vital signs stable

yesterday morning, reporters once again rushed to the Sanshui People's Hospital of Pediatrics, the medical staff told reporters that the baby was a knife wound scratch in more discharge, vital signs were stable, but the child has not been dangerous period.

Lee Woon King, MD, deputy director of pediatric Sanshui introduced so far, the child still needs the respirator. As the children admitted to hospital from birth to 4 hours without treatment interval wounds, delay time is rather long, the kids neck wound infection, and have more secretions, but also on a breathing machine, but with a breathing machine has been reduced parameters. Children significantly improved vital signs, but the stomach is also still bulging with.

According to the hospital revealed that the baby all current medical expenses advanced by the hospital.

insider: the parties same good character, cheerful

afternoon, this reporter visited the first time, the parties involved in the work of Zhou before the incident, in the three departments before the water brigade sauna, two women heard that Zhou's case reporters inquired immediately after the "do not know, "adding that Zhou has not come to work leave. Zhou earlier work for some of the details, two women were called "the new kid, and do not know."

However, another insider told reporters, Zhou was born in 1991, a year into the sauna department. May be due to Zhou as "90 after" girl, she's more outgoing personality, combined with same good, along with the opposite sex is also very good. Shortly after work, Zhou has been associated with a man, but man's identity is unknown, do not know what kind of industry, have often seen him come to Zhou.

Since then, CTS Vice President Lu Xiujuan hotel told reporters, Zhou Department in the cash register in the sauna about a year of work. Before, companies did not know she was pregnant, because of its unmarried. "We are also detected after the police know her! "

police handling the case: attempted infanticide roommate she was kind enough to play cards

day, participate in the handling of the Southwest Criminal Police officers detected the case to the media disclosed details of the process. The officer introduced, Zhou was arrested at the time, pale and walking up it is slow, which could produce just about her.

confession, according to Zhou, the afternoon of April 11, hotel workers Zhou together with the three square shopping in Sanshui, Zhou suddenly felt pain in his stomach, then a man drove back to the hotel staff dormitory. Close to dinner time, Zhou in the quarters, toilet birth to baby boy, Zhou took up quarters in front of the baby's neck, a fruit knife to cut a continuous position the chest several times, until the child is not a sound.

"attempted infanticide, her roommate was kind enough to play cards! "Introduction police office, said Zhou was cut the umbilical cord with a fruit knife, and water clean-up of the quarters quickly in the blood. Wait until the other three quarters of workers returned, the Zhou has all the blood at the scene cleared, and has discarded the baby in the quarters next to the trash, their rest in bed due to poor health, so roommates and not found. That night, Zhou even went to play cards with roommates, but did not go to dinner that night.

12 日 凌晨 零时 30 points, was Zhou discarded in the trash because of crying baby boy found by the hotel on duty. 0:57, police received a report arrived at the scene. The next day, through investigation and surveillance video and found that Zhou had suspected of committing the crime, then take away the investigation.

kill child motivation: fear of being unmarried workers found

in the end what is the reason for a worldly young woman Shouren own children? In an interview with reporter learned yesterday, according to Zhou trial testimony, the Zhou themselves from pregnancy has no knowledge, together with Zhou only 19 years old, not married, so suddenly had the baby, loss, worry about twins the issue was behind closed doors, then cruel wretched.

"she said no to have that child! \Roommate had jokingly asked her if she was not pregnant, Zhou said impossible. Police also disclosed that after the incident, Zhou is now known that night that he did not kill his own son, but Zhou made to the police has yet to meet a child's wish.

reporter learned that infanticide after the incident, the baby's paternity has been suspense. The Police yesterday made it clear that, according to Zhou's testimony, the police have found the baby's biological father, but the man was not associated with the case, the case of a suspected crime, only Zhou, so the police released the man's inconvenience identity.

Police: Zhou suspected of intentional homicide for imposing criminal coercive measures

Yesterday, reporter learned from the Sanshui police, the three abandoned babies travel underwater hotel staff Zhou was brought back to the investigation, has been explained in the staff quarters, the child, babies with a fruit knife and his neck abandonment of fact.

confession, according to Zhou, she was recognized in March 2009 a man feel good after several exchanges and sex. During the Spring Festival this year, Zhou suddenly found the body fat, but I do not know that you are pregnant, but do not know by the hospital for tests. April 11 at 5 pm, is shopping for Zhou Sanshui square feel stomach pain, and immediately drove back to quarters, then gave birth to the baby in the toilet. As the baby stop crying, Zhou afraid of being found, that the neck with a fruit knife boy, was that the baby had died, and then abandoned in the trash.

present, Zhou was arrested for murder Sanshui police criminal coercive measures; injured boy by the hospital and stable vital signs had been transferred.

's Notes: No child can be a mother, Hui Daoxiang reasons

the same day, the reporter inadvertently received from the hands of party insiders Zhou's photos, photos of Zhou seemed pure and lovely, wearing a pigtail, Lingling pair of eyes water and make it difficult to pro-child killing child abandonment case linked together, but that this seemingly weak woman actually armed with a fruit knife brutal command to her own flesh and blood, want to come chilling.

interview in three days the baby waving hands difficult moment vividly. As a witness to an event, recording, in the course of the interview, the reporter's mind at all times through the shock, the brain of a child who occupy that terrifying wounds.

"虎毒不食子" The old saying in this 19 year-old woman who became the typical negative writing. In front of her, it is particularly difficult to interpret human nature and can not understand. Maternal great because the moment brandished a knife and blasphemy defiled.

I have always believed that whatever the rhetoric, can not become a mother, Hui Daoxiang son of reasons - because the child's body with the mother's blood flowing.

question repeatedly:

hotel on duty 0:30 in the evening found the baby was thrown into the trash, but the police received a report it was 0:57, in this half-hour in the end what happened? Doctors said the child to hospital for a longer time delay which has not yet out of danger, whether with the operator?

CTS Response: duty manager was discovered, immediately leading to the hotel to report, did not know the circumstances, there is a process alarm. Subsequently, the leadership decided to alarm. At that time, we have not opened the bag, so do not know that the children had been hurt.

case, the boy's father has been as mysterious and unpredictable, police said the father of the baby has nothing to do with the case, it is not open to the public. But this man clearly is party to the case, and his son in the hospital in critical condition, as the father why has not people?

police: the case of a person suspected of crime, only Zhou, the baby's father has nothing to do with the case, can not be made public.



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