
Haier 2009 push down equity incentive seven executives were 661 million shares

Sina Technology News on April 19 morning news, Qingdao Haier Annual Report 2009 released today show that last year the company launched the first phase of the incentive, 48 were given incentives, initial quantity of 1743 shares of stock options. Yang Mian Mian, including chairman of the board, including seven senior executives a total of 661 million options were granted.

last October 29, Qingdao Haier issued a public notice to determine the first day of incentive stock options authorized on October 28, 1743 The number of initial shares of stock options, accounting for 1.302% of total shares, initial stock option exercise price of 10.88 yuan.

of which 225 million shares of Qingdao Haier, Yang Mian Mian, Chairman, Vice Chairman, General Manager Liang Hai 158 million, 68 million shares of vice Cui, director Tan Lixia 68 million shares, 68 million shares of Directors ZHOU Li-Min , Vice President Jin Tao Mo 46 million shares, Vice President, Secretary of the Board Ming Guozhen 28 million.

this announcement in the last year, when he was Finance Director of Hong Xiaoming also received 28 million options, but today's report shows that executives no incentive list their names. It is understood that since January 2010, Qingdao Haier Wei Gong has been appointed as the company's chief financial officer.

Qingdao Haier April 16 closing price of 21.11 yuan, up 0.72 yuan, or 3.53%.

It is learned that Qingdao Haier, the end of 2006 passed the equity incentive program, but then canceled, and after several adjustments and modifications. "Launched the first phase of equity incentive, has taken an important long-term incentives, we should further improve the company's

incentive and restraint mechanisms, and the shareholders and management of shared interests between management, risk-sharing mechanisms, which strengthen the company's competitive strength, and promote the sustained and healthy development of the company. "aspects of Qingdao Haier said. (Zhang)

> Related: Qingdao Haier net profit growth in 2009 Nearly half of the proposed 3 per every 10 shares of Haier integration challenges facing low-carbon supply chain of Haier Europe Italy Pavilion sponsored by the Shanghai World Expo

Washing value washing machine in just before the holiday 1500 Exploration

Although there are more than 10 days from the May 1 Golden Week, the time, but Beijing's major home appliance stores in the promotion of war has been smoke, and many merchants also take the opportunity to launch special offer models to attract consumers attention. For example: the United States in the 3 end of the price breaks the ice cylinder, introduced a value of 1499 yuan drum machine; and many stores do not want to miss this opportunity to launch such as the spring home improvement section, full capacity to send home appliances and other activities.

has been the traditional sales season is the best time special promotional models, today the writer's for the people collecting on the current store on the value price of only 1,500 yuan washing machine, both powerful drum washing machine excellent value for money, but also design of human nature, the appearance of beautiful wave turbines, together with interested friends may wish to look.

price of ice to break the United States of MG52-8001

[Reference price] 1498 yuan

value selling point:

this shall product the appearance of generosity, functional and practical, to achieve an energy efficiency ratio, more energy. 5.2kg washing capacity can fully meet the washing needs of a family of three. And the price is only 1,500 yuan, an unprecedented high cost.

beauty MG52-8001 in appearance, the traditional white linear appearance, fashion generous. Front-panel operation, easy style decoration embedded, saving you more enjoyable living space.

beauty MG52-8001 as a whole really making

function, in the washing procedures, provide cotton, chemical fiber, wool and quick wash and other procedures, which also were provide the same kind of material with different temperature washing, washing to meet your diverse needs. In addition, the use of Wheeling motor, low noise, high efficiency, greatly increased the degree of washing clothes.

beauty MG52-8001 control panel real shot

beauty MG52-8001 inner core really making


Up to 12 million effective pixels Fujifilm Z71 latest price 1018 yuan

of: Yuan Yuan

】 【Beijing market the new card machine Fuji Fuji Z71 (data offer picture forum) the biggest feature is that you can upload photographs directly to the world's largest SNS site "Face Book" (facebook) on sharing, so the camera from the network is also closely related. Of course, its high cost is also an important reason why much attention.

Fuji Z71 uses a 1/2.3 inch CCD sensor, up to 12 million effective pixels, maximum shoot 4000 × 3000 resolution photos. The lens side is equipped with a 5x optical zoom Fujinon lens, equivalent focal length of 36-180mm, can meet the needs of the many shooting. Rear carrying a piece of 2.7-inch 230,000-pixel LCD screen, screen is bright and clear, giving users the best viewing photographs of the effects of playback. The current Z71 is priced at 1,018 yuan Jingdong (Free 4G card, camera bag and lithium batteries).

Fuji Z71 Click image to view details

Fuji Z71 Click image to view details

Fuji Z71
Click the picture to view detailed information

[Reference price] 1018 yuan (Free 4G card, camera bag, and lithium batteries)
[ Address] Jingdong Online Shopping Mall

Canon 5DMarkII flagship SLR sold 22,490 sets of machines

】 【Beijing market Canon SLR camera market has been very high degree of concern, especially in full frame of the products become more prominent, as the representative of the Canon full frame SLR, Canon 5D Mark II (data offer picture forum) is very high popularity , particularly the recent sharp decline in prices to buy off a lot of enthusiasm. Canon machines currently unmatched set of rabbit lens with 24-105 price of 22,490 yuan sets of machines, like the user may wish to refer to the next.

Click the picture to view detailed information on the Canon 5D Mark II

Canon 5D Mark II design features extend the Canon, the appearance of fully shown the black professional, high strength aluminum-magnesium alloy design, the whole appearance of size 152x113.5x75mm, weighing about 810g. 92 million pixels with 3.0-inch wide, wide vision, anti-reflective, clear LCD, clear, natural display, built-LP-E6 rechargeable lithium battery, life is very conspicuous.

Click the picture to view detailed information on the Canon 5D Mark II

performance, the Canon 5D Mark II equipped with a one full-frame CMOS sensor with 21.1 million effective pixels, also has the latest fourth-generation processing engine DIGIC Ⅳ, the image processing is more prominent, and also supports all HD and SD formats of video, features the machine is also very good, durable shutter unit, the service life reached about 15 million times, the camera startup time is 0.1 seconds, shutter delay is only 73 milliseconds, the maximum shutter speed of 1 / 8000 sec, flash sync speed is 1 / 200 sec.

Edit Comment: As Canon's flagship product, this Canon EOS 5D Mark II has been a hot market, but the price has been high, relatively flat market after the holiday, the invincible rabbit Suddenly crazy price cuts, it was well worth attention, like the user can contact the following businesses.

Reference price: 22,490 yuan
Tel: 13520237638
Address: East Gate of Peking University, Haidian District, 9th Floor, Pacific Digital City 905

Popular Sina Technology Careers, interns and freelance translator translation

Sina Technology Channel by business needs, we are looking two trainee science news, technology news translator intern 2, a number of part-time translator.

science news intern specific requirements are as follows:

1, there is strong interest in natural sciences, basic scientific knowledge of some certain judgments;

2, Bachelor degree or above in reading, English language 4, to understand the basic foreign reports;

3, responsible for the job, can withstand the strong pressure of work, with hard-working, hard working approach to their work, with the team spirit of cooperation;

5, are open for graduates this year, demands a more regular work hours. Outstanding work will be employed as full-time employees.

Technology News Translation intern specific requirements are as follows:

1, love technology news, technology news network has a good sense of or related potential input to the network with the passion and new media interest;

2, undergraduate degree or above in reading, English language 8, to understand the basic foreign reports, has some foundation and experience in translation;

3, Hearing a high level and verbal fluency preferred;

4, responsible for the job, can withstand the strong pressure of work, with hard-working, hard working approach to their work, have team spirit.

5, are open for this year's graduates will require a more regular work hours. Outstanding work will be employed as full-time employees.

this recruitment position is based in Beijing.

part-time translation of specific requirements are as follows:

1, a basic understanding of the technology industry, science and technology news on the interest in translation and passions;

2, bachelor degree or above , in a solid foundation in English, translation speed, smooth translation, with some English translation is preferred to listen to;

3, work flexibility, every day to ensure that at least 3 hours of working time;

4, a technology news translation experience preferred. For works published, please indicate in the message together.

not limited to the workplace, at home work

those who wish to apply for these positions, please E-mail form with a plain text file format (do not use attachments), the candidate materials issued to: techpr@vip.sina.com, please be sure to indicate in the message subject "XXX Apply science intern / Translation Intern / part-time translation of" words.

candidate materials: Chinese resume, including personal information, education and work experience, E-mail address, and telephone number. We will provide challenging opportunities for growth and development. (Note: Due to a number of candidates not to respond to, please understand).

Note: The above post standing

Peng Lei Bao CEO pay that Miss soft dialect of Alibaba women Lohan

Peng Lei

Alipay CEO on January 21 this year, Alibaba Group, the appointment of Ali, Group Chief Human Resources Officer CPO Alipay Peng Lei, chief executive officer as CEO, and continues to serve as Group CPO post.

the face of this newspaper, "I Amoy! "Magazine, has been away from the media, Peng Lei, personally sent a congratulatory message:" I Amoy, Amoy I love! "

Alibaba business" Ocean's 18 "one of the

【" I am more enthusiastic group of people to enjoy and to do one thing. "】

Peng Lei is a handsome face, talking Wu soft dialect of southern woman in 1999 to join Alibaba, Alibaba Group The 18 founder of Alibaba is "Ocean's 18" one of the few "female Lohan."

similar experience with Jack Ma, Peng Lei, Zhejiang Province, after graduating in 1994, the Financial Services Institute as a teacher, and with Ma Yuncheng as colleagues. Interestingly, Ma said she had on the creation of a Chinese people's great enterprise "did not much interest both at a loss."

Peng Lei said he was just a group of people enjoy it and do a great interest matter of course. Alibaba Group in 2010 to carry out joint development of the first year, Ma Lei Peng in January to pay the treasure as CEO, a major aim is to strengthen the exchange of resources between the subsidiaries. "I need to do a lot, but do not want to set out all, I hope that we're in, when filed, is not simply associated with Taobao, but more." Peng Lei, few words, but also conveys a signal - as an independent third-party payment platform, Alipay's future development will not be limited to Taobao, which will be integrated with the entire payment system.

injection of 5 billion yuan to build payment infrastructure

【"As the largest third-party payments and investment in Alibaba Group, 50 billion will help pay the Po and the major banks more closely in the field to start from the online payment, credit cards, mobile payments business innovation to the background of risk management, credit system construction, bilateral cooperation will be the next 5 years, 10 years of payments and financial markets, far-reaching implications . "】

're 12, that the Alibaba Group will pay in the next five years to invest 5 billion yuan bao, the Chinese and the world to create better e-commerce payment services and credit system.

from March 2005 Alipay and ICBC has reached a strategic cooperation, including Alipay has six state-owned banks, including domestic and foreign banks reached more than 60 cooperation. In addition to Internet banking, online payment for the growing customer demand, Paypal, etc. with more than 50 banks China Construction Bank to launch a Alipay cartoon business. "50 billion investment will be paid to train a super treasure, to build an affordable for everyone, and everyone was nice payment platform for China's e-commerce to create a new set of 'Water Electricity and Gas' infrastructure." In Peng Lei view, banks will pay the treasure is undoubtedly the e-commerce infrastructure services to build the most important partners.

a positive future competition or hard to avoid

【"Alipay has been maintained on a regular basis with the central bank reporting and communication system, Alipay is supported by the decisions of the central bank. to upgrade the existing online banking system the central bank's decision, Paypal strongly agree and strongly support. "】

on Peng Lei made preparations to lead off the second Alipay time, known as" Super Internet Banking "The second generation of central bank payment systems - Internet Banking Internet system will be run on the line this year in August, the first trial of more than a dozen commercial banks are carried out on access to systems development, and third-party payment platform, Alipay, etc., or silver suspended access network interconnected systems.

built a lead by the second generation of the central bank payment system - super internet banking, it can charge a number of banks providing cross-bank, third-party payments, third party pre-licensing and other business functions; 1 is a cumulative 50 million members have been the largest third-party payment agencies - Paypal, its current user base and transaction volume, even more than the smaller-scale banks.

can be expected in the upcoming "second generation to pay the times\To the outside world uproar to the allegations, Peng Lei, as always, a low-key and persistent: "'re willing to continue to develop new internet banking system more applications, services for the majority of Internet users."


central bank launched the "Super Internet Banking" good Alibaba

Reporter: Many people believe that the central bank introduced a "super internet banking" would be damaging to the interests of Alipay, how do you see?

Peng Lei: I do not think the central bank launched the second generation online banking system is damaging the market, the opposite will be the development of domestic electronic payments lead to yet another leap in standardizing and optimizing domestic payments environment great significance to enhance the user experience, will also improve e-business infrastructure services and promote the development of the domestic online consumers have a major impact.

Reporter: Currently, there are third party payment system, "national team" and "private team" division, Paypal is the camp to which they belong?

Peng Lei: standing on a higher level point of view, no matter what the capital structure, internal forces are representative of all China, "national team\China's Internet industry to enhance competitiveness in the world is a good thing.

Reporter: pay in the future will be a breakthrough in what areas?

Peng Lei: has been, Paypal payment in addition to build the entire Internet infrastructure, but also the accumulation of vast amounts of data through its own e-commerce set up the whole credit system, I hope this system will provide the community build a service credit system, while better for the country's economic life. Post intern reporter muang met Jiang Fan

> Related reading: pay Peng Lei's first talk about Super Internet Banking: strong support for the decisions of the central bank appointed Ali Group CEO Peng Lei Ren Alipay

Started a pilot e-book into the Yangzhou campus

Xinhua Nanjing on April 18 (Xinhua Puzzles) "Students, now we can start class." She Yaqin Yangzhou Sanyuan Bridge primary school teacher 17 am as usual, with a smile began to lecture. The past, however, this lesson on not see the blackboard, chalk, also see books, replaced by teachers and students in the hands of a small gray "book." This seems only half a sheet of A4 paper size, thickness 1 cm of small "book" is "e-book." This is for e-books into the Yangzhou campus pilot of the first class.

"I came to brief you on the Slender West Lake in Yangzhou, east off Ferries ... ..." "I have to say about Yangzhou ease of access ... ..." Several students, under the guidance of teachers, with the electronic book display pictures, vivid descriptions to describe the contents of the screen, all the people present were a large screen showing the book to explain their pictures and attracted students, listening attentively.

It is understood that this e-book has more than 150 books, nearly 4.5 million words of storage capacity, using the new electronic paper technology, no radiation, no glare, very comfortable read. Each of the books are displayed on the screen with Stacks, music, records management, recently read, pictures, etc. 9 columns, similar to the real books, yellow background, writing printing effect is also present, the students by operating the left and right keys, the screen will the same as real books, showing that "paper" with a page flip effect.

e-book not only provides picture shows, reading can also read the face of these "magic" function, the students face are new and exciting look with a simple operation, it is e-book full of them on the interest. Yin students like school to them with this "new weapons" and operation is not difficult to look at the instructions, just 20 minutes on the little guys learn to operate.

Yangzhou municipal education department, according to the person in charge, the current use of traditional paper books, textbooks, Yangzhou City, according to the existing 230,000 primary school students, average 5; 140,000 students, the average per person 10 books terms compulsory education Yangzhou only 2.55 million books per year, consumption of large timber resources. Earlier this year, Yangzhou, the first province to launch "e-book product development and application of teaching experimental research project," the subject of research, Sanyuan Bridge Primary 5 (2) class to become the first "e-books into schools," the pilot classes. Electronic materials into school, can be an investment, re-use. In addition, the removable storage functionality, e-books can be updated according to changes in grade, teaching materials, as a permanent "new\

She Yaqin teachers that the books not only small size, light weight, but also store all the necessary books, easy to carry, is a mobile library, low energy consumption is environmentally friendly, cost of whole books also fallen. It is understood, Yangzhou will further expand the "e-books into the school" pilot program to promote e-books into the campus to explore a greater range of experience. (END)

> Related: industry, said no e-book can not do 500 fire up Goldman Sachs: e-book sales will drive the nation's books affordable for IT vendors no longer e-book reader Kindle king Shun Feng

HP executives reflect on the quality of doors performance increase out of control caused by service

may never think of HP, as the issue in 2007 with NVIDIA graphics, produced two DV2000, V3000 series, the problem will continue into March 2010 in the Chinese market to focus a large area of the outbreak, Hewlett-Packard roots in China 25 years, the image of the transience of subversion. Gengrang HP surprise that the issue of consumer products in addition to the dissatisfaction, the more anger from HP's "gold service." Proceed in an emergency to deal with the incident a month later, on April 15, Information Products Group, Hewlett-Packard general manager of China accepted the reporter Chasing an interview, talked about on the "quality gate" of the response and reflection.

>> events

introduced three programs deal with "quality gate"

"Frankly, I have never in 15 years at HP have been in this crisis, and no experience in the face of this crisis. "Yongli said that early in March after another media reported 170 consumer complaints concerning rights protection, the executives have begun to collect problem; to know that the problem concentrated in the DV2000, V3000 two product, March 15 for early introduction of the first set of two models of the problem of customer solutions, however, question the media and users generally do not strictly enforce the three packs of HP's policies, his night to bring together all sectors of the night and then develop a Item comprehensive reorganization plan, issued on March 16.

3 月 20 survey on national AQSIQ report came out, HP to respond. "AQSIQ was made a very good idea to develop a user can be able to understand the terms, but not limited to laymen can understand it. This is what we previously did not realize. There are many terms of service after the introduction of inline It is easy to understand, but the user is watching do not understand. "Yongli said that day meeting to discuss the results, that the previous two solutions with AQSIQ requests integrated together, with easy to understand language then let the user understand it to develop a compensation package.

multinational organizations, large and complex system, but in times of crisis but the response must be made to close quickly. After a lapse of one month after the April 15, HP announced a consolidation of 30 days notice has been providing free of charge for the 6301 maintenance or extended warranty solution, processed by the 1792 users of the returned machine requirements or maintenance subsidies. Yongli still clearly remember the 16 March 800 hotline "bursting" scene: "That incoming calls increased by almost double. The next 30 days, from more than 4,000 calls per day and gradually decreased to April 14 is almost more than 1,500 calls. "

Yongli said that the views of the user that he is most concerned about, whether it is to solve the problem of users, or users of preparations court, he want to give them a satisfactory solution.

>> reflect a

performance increase out of control caused by service

reporter has learned that HP is outsourcing the form of gold service to the country six large sub- IT service providers to operate, which is six in all regions and then outsourcing or agency to the next level service provider, this cycle throughout the country, and now HP's coverage has expanded each year, nationwide service network of over 500. Not uncommon in this way, almost every PC makers are outsourced services, but why the problem is in HP?

Yongli executives and various departments that reflect the time when the results multiplied, the service system to increase the manpower in accordance with the ratio is sufficient. However, too fast business growth, more and more extensive coverage, increase in manpower alone is not enough. Communication, unity, reviews, user feedback have revealed a very serious problem. "The analogy, if we used to do business in 13 cities, is very simple, basically just Yao Da 13 calls on it; but now we have over 700 cities, 2,000 counties have agents, by called on to die. need a mechanism to monitor such a large market. "

& Trade Co., Ltd. Beijing Express Times for seven years with HP, HP is the largest distributor in North China, Chairman Wulin Guo agrees on the views of Yongli, he said: "Hewlett-Packard the largest share in the Chinese market, the fastest growth rate. but outsourcing services business with headquarters in convergence is not close. HP also made the outbreak of the reflection of other manufacturers. "

Yongli admitted in 3? 15 after the number of service partners, very disappointed, after various communications, Hewlett-Packard is also aware of the seriousness of the problem. Zhang Yongli, said gold service review mechanism and the frequency coverage to improve, if implemented, does not meet HP's Chamber of Commerce consider replacing the requested service.

>> Reflection 2

future services play a decisive role

"Product quality is not good, service is not good, the fundamental problem is not resolved, these caused the problem with the accumulation of 3? 15, the outbreak of the question. "they concluded, Yongli in communication with a number of channel partners will not be shy when they take the initiative to communicate and have made some, such as Digital China, Ingram Micro and other enterprise customers with the understanding . Had been persuaded to give up even some selling HP notebook Zhongguancun dealer, also decided to join with HP to resolve the question at hand.

but in Internet forums, microblogging, message boards, on the HP brand of exclusion and mistrust has become the most users of the conditioned reflex. In this regard, Zhang Yongli did not mind: "In the turmoil, we will introduce a program of 3-6 months as a whole, I hope to resume sales and brand."

Yongli said that the Chinese HP will not change as a global priority, including R & D in China will be more products, more innovative products appear to provide different solutions to meet the various market segments. "In addition to more than 700 cities, 2,000 counties in the future we will go 1-2 million township. To enhance the quality of service is then able to continue to promote the growth of a dynamic performance. In China, HP should continue to develop and service is top priority! "Chasing stressed.

toil for years in the IT Marketplace Wu Linguo that, IT vendors on price, product configuration and flame is gone, the future is the maintenance and after-sales service Competition. "Although this is a cost-raising process, but in the next 2-3 years, it will be the main battlefield of competing vendors. No one should miss."

our reporter Liu Shanyun

> Related: Hewlett-Packard announced a 30-day progress of the rectification service points will be doubled during the year 1792 Hewlett-Packard user machine or maintenance costs by replacing subsidies for HP notebook users to Rights of Way problem

Happy shopping programs Taobao push spike the first integrated online shopping + TV

Sina Technology News on April 19 morning message from Taobao and Hunan Satellite TV, joy, set up jointly launched Taobao Arts Inc. spike shopping television program "The more fun the more Amoy\resources together for the first time to explore the depth of online shopping combined with the television media, new business models.

"the more fun the more Amoy" first show yesterday evening in the Hunan Satellite TV prime-time broadcast. The program planning team for the popular program "The more fun the more policy" and "every day" gold producer Zhang Yibei and headed over Wang Han Hunan Satellite TV. Both happy Taobao Han Wang, vice president of identity is also the program's host.

The show runs through the shopping network, the network platform for interactive TV, compared with Taobao's website happy "Hi Amoy" (www.hitao.com). Data show that the positioning of Amoy hey fashion shopping, specifically for the sale of young, fashion, fashion business set up, the site has a lot of stars and artists love to sell clothes resources.

first phase of the program not only invited the senior seller Amoy hey baby show, packaging dressed guests and hosts, the network will "spike" into programs. According to introduction, commodities spike links 60 of the audience in the Hi Amoy Network Home tickets through the spike generation, spike to tickets to the site will be directly involved in the commodity spike, television viewers and users may also export under the program broadcast live The spike time through the network to participate in commodity spike.

this was also the first online shopping + television resource integration attempt, but also is the first broadcast TV and interactive entertainment network spike shopping variety show. Happy Taobao under planning, it hopes to open up the network and TV platform terminals, combined with the television media to create a new e-commerce business model.

in Baidu, "the more fun the more Amoy" stickers it had already been aroused in the discussion. Some Internet users believe that "television spike" form is very interesting, sorry to not spike to the goods, but also reflects the users did not see the specific spike understand the rules, and that the program content, "a bit boring."

with the industry that, while Taobao and Hunan Satellite TV have their own power resources, but how to online shopping and TV platform nature together is not easy, but also through many different forms of exploration, and more Amoy more happy if the road show spike is to allow users to buy the market remains to be tested. (Tracy)

> Related: Alibaba shares Morning Star Express Ma accelerate large Taobao Taobao executive layout: This layout will expand overseas markets, Wang Han as "Happy Taobao" vice president, head of programming content

TV companies made more power run-up Internet access market has three hot spots

□ Italian reporter Xu Qiang / text

present, the Chinese market, Internet TV is the "rocket"-like speed in the market, quickly jump up red. Behind in the product, all major domestic TV business is a common development effort - TCL, Changhong, Hisense, Konka, Skyworth and other personalization features launched all different, but the direction is very clear New Internet TV , a boost Internet TV film "Rocket" fast flying fuel boosters.

reporter noted that this year, the domestic Internet TV showing a more extensive and diversified development trend, mainly for the three hot spots: the emergence of network television that China and other formal sources of interactive content copyright New , also appeared compatible with a number of individual Internet sites and applications, an open platform, but also realized the most popular of the current flat-panel television display LED, 3D so fully compatible products.

consumer electronics industry expert Dr. Dong Xuegeng believe that Internet TV features and technology, multi-point eruptions, will help promote the products in the market and the fast combination of consumers, differentiated by different functions, can meet the needs of more consumers, which in the current wave of flat-panel TV to promote large-scale popularization of the Internet.

content chips

Recently, SARFT issued a formal three Internet TV licenses were awarded to the Chinese network television (the CNTV), SMG Shanghai Media Group and Hangzhou China DTV Media Network Limited. With the release of the domestic Internet TV license, the industry that the development policy of the Internet TV industry has opened the door.

and content with the CNTV will receive their first license, it opened the domestic color TV enterprises to cooperate with third-party content platform to build off. Recently, TCL has been reached between the first and CNTV, and Konka, Changhong and other companies are also negotiating process. With the power of third parties, improve and enhance the content of Internet television short board, has become the domestic color TV enterprises at this stage the main solution.

after introduction of cool chat Skyworth TV, construction, cool open net, invest in Music Education Network Changhong, Hisense and Thunder, happy co-operation network, all signals around the TV business is launched the first Internet TV content licensing round contest. Another source said, with the exception of cooperation have been reached with CCTV, TCL and Hangzhou, China to discuss cooperation in number, while Hisense and other enterprises are also in contact with Shanghai to speed up the advantages of upgrading Internet content.

platform model

ago, McKinsey released a survey data shows that in China's largest 60 cities, 70% of the respondents spend their leisure time people will be Internet at. Even in small towns, this proportion reached 50%. Under the tide in the network of personal computers is rapidly replacing television as the entertainment center.

At the same time, domestic color TV manufacturers have also opened a comprehensive restructuring of the road. From 2009, the TCL, Konka, Hisense and other manufacturers of active promotion, Internet TV in China, accounting for rapid promotion, the total already exceeded 2 million units. 2010, the global Internet TV shipments will reach 19.16 million units, an increase of 210%.

for "Internet TV" piece of cake, Konka Group President Chen Yuehua also believe that the trend of the Internet as a television standard, through the construction of a "full open-platform technology," the enterprise in a highly homogenization and the intense market competition, create a new multi-win-win business model, will be the inevitable trend of future development, and Konka net sharp wide open platform officially opened the competition in the domestic color TV industry platform curtain.

the same time, TCL announced the launch of "Family Internet strategy" upgrade program, issued a second-generation Mitv Internet TV - the first 3D Internet TV P11 Series, to achieve the "Internet engine\, "Digital TV" engine upgrade. Ultimately the consumer-centric, content-based platform to build a compatibility mode.


just Sony, Matsushita and other Japanese-funded enterprises the overall development of 3D TV, Samsung, LG, and to promote upgrading of LED backlighting, and quickly move towards the OLED, China The TV business is to have an "Internet TV feast" began a third path of the new mode of competition.

the reporter noted that Chinese enterprises set off this wave of Internet TV, for the current 3D, LED, and even high-definition digital one machine and other new technologies and embracing advantage of new features have been embodied. Recently, in a lecture entitled "Transformation of LED" color TV Expo, Skyworth released cool chat TV, 3D-LED, high definition series different products together to achieve the multi-point for the outbreak of the Internet. In 4C, triple play era, the Internet TV platform underlines the status of a comprehensive, Hisense blue LED is with Widget engine technology, TV and TV, television and communication equipment, television and computers communicate over networks. The TCL also launched the world's first 3D Internet TV.

domestic color TV enterprises related to that on the current mainstream technology and compatible with mainstream products will further strengthen competition in the Internet television market dominance.

[corporate action]

network TV Shikang Jia adapted to the model from a technical leader turned

□-wing source / text

< p> "and the traditional passive acceptance of non-network TV content is different from Internet TV network of the most significant feature is that function appears, brought a series of product expansion of value-added applications, and dynamic, no state in the expansion of the boundary , related to entertainment, gaming, education, services, transport, tourism and other social fields. "

professional pointed out that the Internet age, the competition focused on the disruptive changes that have taken place, an open The compatible platform model has replaced the product, technology, a leading business development and competition of the key. From the global point of view, from Intel, Cisco, to Google, Apple and China's Tencent, and Taobao are the leading platform by building models, it won the competition in the business of profit maximization.

Konka Group President Chen Yuehua also believes that the Internet become the trend of television standard, through the construction of a "full open-platform technology," the enterprise in a highly homogeneous and intense competition in the market create a new multi-win-win business models, will be the inevitable trend of future development, while Konka sharp full open platform network officially launched the competition in the domestic color TV industry big screen platform.

present, Konka launched on 10 core "Rui core" technology to support intelligent operation of the platform, after connecting the network to make TV not only provides a IE browser, full HD somatosensory games, video call, family KTV and education, and other online entertainment, information, learning resources, a total of more than 1000 kinds of games are played. Moreover, through all open SDK software development kit, but also support organizations and individuals, respectively, professional and amateur enthusiasts developed the software to share tens of thousands of utility function software. This means that any future software engineers, or individual users can be based on personal need, develop the functions of many individual software, can also be shared with other users, which set up a multi-win-win business platform. Insiders pointed out that this is the draw of the iPhone application platform all open mode of operation, set up the TV version of the Apple model.

Konka Group Vice President Lin Gaike bluntly pointed out that in the Internet age, any company would like to single-handedly build a powerful content resources are unrealistic, can be said that all open-platform TV networks to solve the only effective way of development.

Lingai Ke said, and open platform for smart phones, similar to what the whole open platform Konka achieve consumer-centric, easy, truly a "my platform, I call the shots."

industry observers point out that compared with the smart phone, open platform for Internet television, realized the small screen to large screen changes will bring new users to the visual impact, which will be comprehensive promotion of China's color TV enterprises in the new business opportunities in the Internet dominance.

Skyworth flat panel TV competition and then upgrade to seize new market differentiated high

【reporter Xu Qiang Shenzhen reported】 always intended to become a global consumer electronics companies a high degree of concern and attention to the Chinese market in recent years Global flat-panel TV market position in fast. Especially with the Chinese government stimulus for domestic demand continue to drive the market is showing a "high opening high-go" growth.

However, China's color TV enterprises, do not worry about the global consumer electronics giants gathered in the Chinese market caused by the pressure of market competition. On the contrary, in recent years, Skyworth, TCL, Changhong, represented by the domestic color TV giants are differentiated products through distribution and segmentation of marketing strategies, in the Chinese market set off a new big-screen competition.

2010 年 4 8, Skyworth officially announced the domestic market for the first single-chip solution based on high-definition one machine. The reporters also learned that because the product has received more than 30 provinces and cities in over 70 cities broadcasting system certification and licensing, and signed a joint sales agreement, expected fiscal year 2010 to achieve 100 million units of sales plans.

earlier, TCL, LG, Hisense and other Chinese and foreign enterprises have made a market of high-definition digital TV integrated machine, and there are data show that, as China's cable television transmission signals from analog signals to digital transmission upgrade will give rise to up to one hundred million flat-panel TV market.

But over the years, the number of domestic color TV enterprises in exploiting one machine on the market pressures and challenges faced are enormous. As China's special conditions, different regions of the CA taken by the digital TV programs and different. At present, there are at least 10 kinds of CA program, and the same CA program requirements of different operators is also inconsistent, so one machine for each regional sales of software and hardware products are not the same, single custom product only way to implement. The enterprise product planning, customized production, logistics, made the accuracy of such high demand. Especially in a few cities, but also simultaneously use two or more of the CA program, more demanding on the system. In addition, due to the acceptance of digital television broadcasting system must be agreed by the local, firms only in their sales agreements reached before they are allowed one machine product promotion.

It is because of high-definition digital one machine in the development, production, sales, logistics, business negotiation, service and other sectors have special requirements, but also in different regions face different market customization, it is difficult in a single product on the volume scale. So has China's color television industry are the lack of effective integration of the various aspects of the integration of industrial chain business.

Over the years, Skyworth give full play to its advantages, integrating all resources and to build China's first high definition from one machine production and marketing chain, as one of the machines to provide the conditions for the promotion. Skyworth Group, General Manager of Marketing Tang Chi Liu said at the press conference, Skyworth addition to targeting specific production and distribution system set up outside, and radio and television systems throughout the business negotiations made great achievements. With one machine Skyworth HD promotion, "STB + TV" to watch the traditional mode of HD programming will change.

reporter learned that the broadcasting system with various business negotiations, Skyworth full use of its products over the years on the set-top box market contacts and the accumulation of national sales in the first set-top boxes with Skyworth favorable position and numerous local radio and television system had a good working relationship, Skyworth quality products and services have been affirmed for the promotion of one machine Skyworth related business negotiations facilitated. In order to better promote this work, Skyworth Group has set up a digital one machine business center.

> Related: Internet TV may not draw a large audience applauded the development of the Internet bottleneck and more popular and critically acclaimed 3D TV to Internet TV Internet TV is expected to be available this month opportune time China's development is

Dangdang transition line in China Wal-Mart department store mall Yuzuo

recently, after a two-week test, formally launched Dangdang new home, new home to give the department greater weight category, highlights from the online bookstore Dangdang transition to the new department store mall positioning. During the test, the user clicks on the new version Dangdang home than double the previous versions.

Yuzuo online Wal-Mart in China

for the revision, co-president Yu Yu Dangdang said Dangdang began on the home page last year to redesign, and home in half of the space for the department stores, this revision is to further the book categories as in the past no longer eye-catching, but only as many items in a category in the original books in the top left corner exclusively green "chunks\replacing books, digital phone, computer, Beauty, mother and child, home, appliances, women, men, shoes and bags, jewelry, and more than 10 merchandise categories. Meanwhile, the new home will be completely separate from the left side and right side, left side of commodity categories may change according to user needs flexibility to adjust.

responsible for the revision Dangdang site planning and design manager Deng Yifei introduced in the future Dangdang bestsellers content and method will be further optimized, in addition to single-items list, and will gradually establish a portfolio, from the more more latitude to enrich and optimize Dangdang Stores list. In addition, the single product page, all merchandise categories and shopping Museum Home of the revision process optimization is also planned in order to facilitate user operations.

Some analysts believe that the revised Dangdang This time from the online bookstore with online shopping to the comprehensive transformation of the overall strategy of the same strain, highlighting to the broader Dangdang, the larger the retail market development strategic intent.

Department Store will become the future focus on e-commerce goals

Why would shift the sale of department store book business? Ms. Yu with their own experience the answer to a reporter. "I lived abroad for 11 years, so many good Chinese-made consumer goods, we have enjoyed in the United States, did not enjoy at home. Why? Because of high rate of increase of our department stores. So, in the past 3 years We wildly enrich department stores, department stores, department stores! Dangdang done online in China Wal-Mart. "Ms. Yu says.

"Chinese e-commerce the next 10 years, the future of the field in the department store." Dangdang general merchandise vice president Chiang said, "The current strategy is to Dangdang and suppliers enter into long-term cooperation agreement change the traditional store channels to suppliers to enter the practice of shop fees, compressed out unnecessary costs, while the country with the largest B2C channels Dangdang size business, suppliers willing to supply the lowest price to Dangdang. Thus, Dangdang can not only guarantee the price lower than the traditional channels, but also the lowest of all the online mall. "

relevant statistics show that China's online shopping population has reached 120 million. Doubtful from a few years ago, to today's blossom everywhere, online shopping has become increasingly integrated into the mainstream of the consumer economy, people's consumption patterns thus, subtle changes in lifestyle also occur. With online shopping department store retailing in the continuous infiltration, and other shopping sites Dangdang constant force, and department store retailing is changing the rules of the game, in the process, those amendments and re-defined the rules of the game's net purchase platform Retail is becoming a real hero.

online shopping into the sub-competitive era

Today, online shopping and people's lives are becoming increasingly close, especially the promotion of triple play will prompt more consumers shopping online convenient. In addition, the data shows, from our online shopping market, at present, only the whole of its total retail sales of 1% -2%, in South Korea this percentage was 10%, about 4% in the United States, compared to China's online shopping market prospect indeed.

but one from Dangdang data show that in 2009 the turnover of Dangdang 80% of the share is still books; only 20% of department store sales business from Dangdang president Li Guoqing 2010, set department stores accounted for 50% of the target far from over.

buy clothes, shoes, hats, trinkets to Taobao; buy home appliances, digital products to Jingdong; books to Dangdang ... ... for the Dangdang revision, some consumers do not "cold." "Dangdang has been used to a certain pattern, I will not Dangdang other than to buy something in addition to the book." Consumer Wang Lei said.

winning line of network vice president, Zhou Wen said that in tough situations, including e-commerce sites such as Dangdang the strategic plan is in full swing.

"Dangdang 2009 new registered users there are only 10 million, it can not fully meet the needs of many of these consumers. So Dangdang from the publications area to expand to department stores and more The new generation of consumers except to satisfy a variety of consumer demand outside books. "Zhou Wen said," the book sold a lot of Dangdang, but there is excellent in, it can not make good money. In the absence of barriers and separated internet world needs a 'bloody' in the process, will be realized only under the subdivision pattern of coexistence. " Chinese Commercial News reporter Xu Nan / Zhang Bin text / tab

> Related: Dangdang new home field of heavy equipment on-line department stores to accelerate expansion of investment initial victory Dangdang Shanghai-Hangzhou-site contract rate of 70% Dangdang expanded store-opening Shanghai Start power retailing investment will be issued

There are good products cheap MP3 Top TOP10 latest concern

of: Mao Xiao-Man

more than a year after the development of MP3 players, high definition has basically replaced the previous RM live machine, and now high-definition machine onto a new stage, in addition to products other than 720P, 1080P New products have also become the object of attention. But even if it has the powerful ability, before you purchase another important index - the price. MP3 expensive high-end product certainly want to have HD, but the low quality of cheap products is on the choice. MP3 in the latest issue of concern in the 8 list price of the product are lower than 400 yuan, only the two products OPPO iPod and maintained high. Spend the least money, find the best products, may wish to take a look at what others are paying attention.

10th Mingang Da VX585 Full HD

capacity: 8GB Price: 399 yuan

Features: Supports format-rich, cost-effective.

Products: Onda VX585 full support Full HD 1080P (1920 × 1080 resolution, currently the highest HD standard) RM / RMVB (including RealVideo8/9/10 coding), MKV (H.264 encoding ), MPEG (AVI), MOV, FLV, MPG, VOB, MPE, DAT, TS, etc. Almost all of the high-definition video formats, no need to convert the whole stream directly to a perfect player. Breakpoint play, SRT subtitles and so on, high-definition audio tracks (supports AC3/DTS and other video audio) and other practical settings. Perfect support for resolutions up to 1024 × 720 for HDMI high-definition digital video output.

Onda VX585 OTG features full HD support (including NTFS file format, can support 4GB file copy / play), you can easily connect to another mobile hard disk, MP3/MP4, U Disk and other digital storage devices direct play / view / delete / replication operation. Onda VX585 whole new generation of high definition e-book reading function added to support the 360 degree rotation / bookmarks / font adjustment / TTS reading and other personalized settings, compared to other professional electronic paper book even better.

photo: Onda VX585 Full HD

addition, VX585 Full HD also into FM radio, photo browsing, high-definition recording, multi-task operation such practical function. Speaker, Long life, intelligent power management, change theme interface, 32GB Micro SD card expansion and other details of the settings, it also demonstrated its human nature.

Onda VX585 Full HD (8GB) 4.3-inch screen size 16:9 video format support other description of 1080P (1920 × 1080 resolution, currently the highest HD standard) RMVB (including RealVideo8/9/10 coding) , MKV (H.264 encoding), AVI, MPEG, MOV, FLV, MPG, VOB, MPE, DAT, TS, etc. format video output support for HDMI video output type Shoulu Fang loud speaker speaker design record performance to support FM radio support FM support E- 8GB storage capacity to read the book to support Micro SD card expansion slot to support other performance 32GB intelligent power management, change theme interface, multi-task operation
support OTG function (including NTFS file format, can support 4GB file copy / play) Previous

History of the birth of the first giant girl Fan Bingbing Wang 3 million endorsement contract

Fan Bingbing Wang formally signed endorsement million 3

Sina Technology News on April 19 morning news, the giant network, today confirmed that its gaming themes of war, "King of Kings 3" will soon open beta, and has signed the domestic popular Beauty Fan Bingbing spokesperson for the game image. This means that the first concern of the outside world, "History of Girl" candidates finalized, Fan Bingbing to become involved in entertainment marketing giant, the first attempt.

"History of Girl" is a giant network outside of the entertainment industry's first case involved the interpretation of the core of the case is invited to a popular actress for the game "King of Kings 3" endorsement. It is understood that there may be a future star added, "History of Girl" queue for the giant network, endorsement or promotion of the new games do.

after news that the giant side has approached Jane Zhang, Hsu?, Tan Weiwei, Li Bingbing, Fan Bingbing, Jun Ji-hyun, Xie Na, and many other actresses. According to reports, "King of Kings 3" Fan Bingbing finalized endorsement, in addition to value her image, she also recognized in the industry for many years "model workers" like performance.

Fan Bingbing has long been a hot "topic in the Queen," but she did not feel strange about gaming industry. She believes that young people in online games as a favorite pastime of the present method naturally has its irreplaceable advantages, usually busy, she also occasionally use online games to unwind.

confidentiality as it relates to the relevant provisions of the giant did not disclose the cost of the endorsement contract Fan Bingbing. Earlier, media reports said the number may be as high as seven.

"King of Kings 3" is the first graphical online game "King of Kings," the latest sequel is a giant network of one of this year's heavy head. The game will soon enter the beta test phase, for a series of beta endorsement campaign has already begun.

It is understood that the giant will be the second this week held a press conference in Shanghai, will enter the entertainment giant, signed the endorsement Fan Bingbing. (Tracy)

> Related: Giant CTO talks with the grand cooperation: game, the fun is simply grand giant announced a joint operation with the "golden state," said Giants offensive entertainment news: the secret to contact other actress Jane Zhang

MIIT 6 counties in Yushu in Qinghai of external communications to remain stable

Xinhua Beijing on April 18 (Xinhua chrysanthemum) Ministry of Industry and Information Technology 18, to the latest earthquake disaster relief informed, the current state of six counties in Yushu in Qinghai's external communications remained stable. As at 7 o'clock on the 18th, the state's eight communication bureau to keep working properly, the module has 14 full recovery; 185 base stations, there are 42 problems due to power outages and fuel return service; repair the cable 71 km long leather, long leather 3395 There are 21 kilometers of fiber optic cable in long-kilometer break skin.

According to the Ministry of Industry and introduced telecom companies continue to party and government organs and other disaster relief units provide an important communication support. China Telecom in the General Staff Communication Department and the assistance of the Lanzhou Military Region, the mobilization of 1500 relief phone at 15 o'clock on the on the 17th arrived in the disaster areas. China Telecom satellite communications were not affected in this earthquake, at 8 o'clock on the 16th to 17, 8 pm, a total of 234 Yushu area satellite mobile phone calls were launched in 6445, the total call duration of 19,467 minutes, a relief in an effective means to ensure contact play an important role.

the same time, the three basic telecom operators to continue to provide the public with delinquent non-stop, tracing calls, SMS and other public services, has sent shock accumulated knowledge of self and other public service messages 62,030,000; 906 rescue workers were dispatched people, all 75 emergency communication vehicles, satellite phones 132, power generation, oil machine 344 sets, 47 sets of other emergency communication equipment, communication support to carry out relief work.

Li Yizhong, Minister of Industry and 18, Ministry of Industry and Yushu in Qinghai Province in the earthquake relief command of the fifth meeting of the Leading Group, said the national department of Industry and measures to further refine reality of an all-out relief work, focusing on three work well. First, the full restoration of communication as soon as possible to protect mobile base station communication rooms and oil supply, further improve the communication quality. Second, continue to organize to protect relief supplies, the focus on drugs, medical devices and other reserves and transporting relief supplies, in a timely manner the required quality and quantity delivered to disaster supplies. Third, based on current work in the good, early start of post-disaster restoration and reconstruction planning, focusing on communications infrastructure restoration, the serious research and scientific planning. To find out the disaster damage to industry and SMEs, as soon as possible to restore the program to develop production.

> Related: Unicom Yushu base stations have been fully recovered injured employees got better Photos: Yushu in Qinghai Yushu earthquake rescue plan hope that the fourth day of the orange: micro-trauma patients significantly reduced weight and

Ministry of Industry Mobile Internet into a new round of investment hot spots

■ reporter Du Feng

3G bandwidth upgrade, mobile Internet access speeds increase and the decline in access charges to drive the rapid development of mobile Internet. At the recent Mobile Internet Summit 2010, the Ministry of Industry and Technology Secretary, Press Gallery, said the current hot spots are emerging field of mobile internet, mobile internet market is expanding into new areas of mobile communications growth.

carried out in a few days ago, "the first Web site named best mobile phone 100 Best" awards ceremony, the Ministry of Industry and Telecommunications Research Institute J. M. Yang said that in the 3G wave, driven by mobile Internet ushered in an unprecedented development opportunities, mobile Internet industry, beyond the traditional Internet industry will gradually become a new round of investment.

last year, statistics also confirm this view. Statistics show that China's mobile Internet industry, 2009 to 66.0% of high growth, achieved 10.41 billion yuan of the income scale. Among the most popular mobile games, attracting a growing number of user participation, the proportion of their income reached 25.6%.

from the Internet into China now has more than 10 years of development time, which belongs to China 10 years to high-speed Internet from the embryonic development of an important stage. Over the past 10 years, the rise of local Chinese companies take a creative introduction, followed a number of foreign Internet mode, and then integrated into the model for the Chinese market and layout of the re-creation of the road. UCWeb president Yu Yongfu said PC Internet over the past 10 years proves one thing the Internet in any vertical field, the Chinese company is always NO.1, there is no one in the field of international companies to do too NO.1. View from the PC software, video player software, P2P player, audio player software, the software is a series of Chinese companies did NO.1, so from the historical experience, the service must be a localization. Many international giants of the Internet development in China, mostly failed, because despite the global Internet, but it does not mean that fall well be able to adapt to the local area and cultural differences.

Secretary, Ministry of Industry and Technology News Library that the mobile Internet industry should pay attention to localization. News library example, the majority of Chinese Internet start pages are in English, at that time did so. Com at the end, now it is mostly Chinese website. Development of the Internet mobile Internet experience should be absorbed more emphasis on integration with the local culture.

according to CNNIC report shows the scale of China's Internet users reached 384 million, China's mobile phone users within a year increased by 1.2 billion and is currently in the mobile Internet field, China has the largest mobile telecommunications network, the Chinese have the world's largest population of mobile phone users, China has the world's largest mobile Internet population, which means that mobile Internet will become a new growth point of China's Internet.

beloved daughter home, founder of high-g said, "I am very optimistic about the future development of mobile Internet, the computer has not been widely popular among the cases, the holdings in China Mobile has more than 600 million mobile phone users for The adhesion rate is clearly much greater. "

UCWeb president Yu Yongfu said that the mobile Internet is to develop acceleration, as the PC in the field are all local companies to do the first, in the field of mobile Internet, the domestic home greater opportunities for the company.

But if one wishes to make mobile Internet in the next decade, and has become a new catalyst for the rapid development of the Internet, some services better and richer, more to strengthen the localization of innovation.

news database that should attach importance to technical innovation of mobile Internet, mobile broadband and mobile and broadband technologies, are the higher bandwidth, lower rates trend. In his view, the mobile Internet business to market demand, and actively carry out technological innovation, and actively explore the characteristics of high added value, meet the needs of business users. "Internet of Things will be the development of a major expansion of mobile Internet development zone."

recently, close to a hundred well-known CEO of China Internet, have also predicted that the next China's core industries will create a mobile Internet broke out, China's mobile Internet business will have the opportunity to use the wisdom of the creative world of mobile applications Ovi by Nokia Tianyi shops and telecommunication applications such as store space platform, passed to the vast number of Chinese Internet users and mobile phone users.

Intel China is responsible for government affairs, telecommunications, managing director of policy and standards section Wong pointed out recently that the mobile Internet market is moving from vertical to horizontal, the "ubiquitous coverage\ubiquitous mobility \The demand from the entertainment, business, information, medical, communications, education and other fields, greatly stimulated the development of mobile Internet.

With the popularity of various types of smart phones and promotion, along with China's Internet development and localization, the Internet will become China from Chinese-made creation, and as various experts had predicted, the mobile Internet will is the "Made in China" provides the impetus for the future mobile Internet could become a leading U.S. Internet "to create" one.

> Related: Intel's new wine in old bottles which: Morgan Stanley upgraded the mobile Internet strategy: Mobile Internet users exceed 5 years, the new desktop, mobile Internet users guess the wealth of the three smart card Express reported that the U.S. mobile Internet data traffic the next 5 years by 40 times

Small horse carts are common fear of suffering from air-conditioning company policy dependency

□ correspondent Yanbin / text

to pursue energy-efficient air conditioning, many companies have generally adopted the "mini horse cart" means to a low-power high-volume air-conditioning refrigeration compressor production device so that it can achieve "a high value of the energy efficiency of air conditioning, refrigeration capacity is guaranteed," but the direct consequence of "bad effects of air conditioning and heating, greatly shorten the life of the product."

last week, an air conditioning company told reporters that since last year, the national implementation of the "subsidy policies to promote energy-efficient air-conditioner\using low-power refrigeration compressor to produce a large volume air conditioner means. Thus, not only energy-efficient air conditioning can significantly reduce the market price, companies also receive an additional subsidy of 300-850 Yuan countries ranging from the promotion fund.

The source also disclosed that some companies now operate common approach is to use a small one compressor (22 machines, 23 machines) producing a (25 machines, 28 machines) the air-conditioning, with Small 1.5 Compressor (32 machines, 33 machines) producing a (35 machines, 36 machine) air-conditioning. Small number of enterprises may even use an air conditioner compressor 1.5.

general practices to improve energy efficiency?

one in the past 10 years air conditioning enterprise technology R & D engineers revealed that at present the market of those with "small horse cart" of energy-efficient air-conditioning, 3-5 years will not any major quality problems. However, fatigue has been in the work of the compressor stage will ultimately affect the life of air conditioning, as little as 3 years up to 5 years. Meanwhile, the electronic components for the controller will accelerate consumption. Previously, the industry recognized the air-conditioning service life 10-15 years.

reporter noted, as early as three years ago, each of the fixed-frequency air-conditioning energy efficiency upgrades on the existence of different views. Hisense Company, represented by the proposed energy efficiency rose to two directly aimed at promoting the inverter air conditioner reverse universal. The companies represented by Gree rose to 3 is recommended because it is the dehumidifying capacity of 1,2-grade air conditioning, heating and poor results.

why energy-efficient air conditioning for the existence of "dehumidifiers and heating effect of poor\The source pointed out that a 3500 watt cooling capacity of 1.5 foot air-conditioned, if only by 1.2P compressor, so air conditioning will reduce the input power, and then through the heat exchanger and air conditioning system matching and optimized on air conditioning cooling capacity can be guaranteed. As the value of air conditioning energy efficiency is the actual state of the refrigeration cooling capacity and the actual input power ratio, improved energy efficiency can not guarantee air conditioning heating air conditioning effect.

Chinese Academy of major home appliances home appliances Part One expert said the fixed-frequency current to enhance the energy efficiency of air conditioning, there are three solutions: the first is using energy-efficient compressor, the second is to expand the air-conditioning heat exchangers area, and the third is the optimization of air-conditioning system as a whole match. And related businesses have pointed out that the first two solutions will increase production costs, the latter solution requires a high technical level, at this stage for many domestic enterprises, are clearly not applicable.

a compressor corporate marketing officers said factory output of high-performance compressors little, basically no effective air conditioning compressor manufacturers all procurement orders, just some small orders. However, the market has emerged a large number of energy-efficient air-conditioning, it is hard to understand.

enterprises suffer from fear of the policy dependency

has industry observers pointed out that some companies see huge market policy driven feature, it created a dependency on the policy, which is very scary.

policy of benefiting from the introduction of energy saving, many air conditioning companies announced the shutdown on the following two products, a comprehensive transformation of an energy efficiency. But the company simply to consider how to help the policy force, and does not take into account the policy of withdrawal responses. Once the country to stop an energy-efficient air-conditioning subsidies, is that how should product companies and the market layout?

It is understood that the production costs of 1,2-grade air-conditioning there are still differences. Once the subsidies abolished, that 1,2-class products in the market price difference appeared. CNIS energy-efficiency labeling management director Wang Ruohong also clear that the subsidy policy is a matter of time out, then the market will be in two energy-efficient products.

above have pointed out that companies in developing product and market strategies have long-term planning, not only considering the immediate use of national policy, the policy must also consider the withdrawal of product planning. At present, the domestic market, the rapid rise of inverter air conditioner, air conditioner fixed frequency products are faced with 1,2-polarization level, enterprises are taking a single product focus strategy, or to take a three-dimensional multi-point product strategy is clearly not a Solutions to problems.

News Links: subsidies to promote energy-efficient air conditioners will be reduced

【Italian journalist Xu Qiang from Beijing】 With the June 1 fixed frequency Nisshin national mandatory energy efficiency standards for air conditioning will be formally implemented The market will be reduced to the current two air-conditioned 3. The reporter has learned from reliable sources, along with the fixed-frequency implementation of the new energy efficiency, on June 1 last year, the implementation of subsidy policies to promote energy-efficient air conditioners will be adjusted.

It is understood that the new subsidy policy to promote energy-saving air conditioner, inverter air conditioner is not included, while the fixed-frequency air-conditioning amount of subsidies will be substantially reduced. Among them, the cooling capacity of 7500 watts or more in fixed-frequency air-conditioning would no longer enjoy the cooling capacity of 4500 watts at a fixed frequency of -7,500-watt air-conditioning subsidies for the amount of 300 yuan, 4,500-watt following fixed-frequency air-conditioning, the amount of subsidies in the 150 200 yuan.

new subsidy policy adjustments will be released in May the same period, energy-efficient motor will launch subsidies.

along with energy-saving policy of benefiting the adjustment, will be on domestic air conditioning marketing enterprises have great influence behavior. Previously, many companies have fully fought inverter air conditioner market.

> Related: 2010, 51 high-efficiency air conditioning play a key role during the two fixed-frequency air-conditioning will stage "The Last Supper," 51 energy-intensive air conditioning started early promotion delisting Bargain inverter air conditioner energy efficiency "streak of three" charming eyes

Foxconn plight of low margin products to lower mainland transfer staff costs

on: Sun Yan Biao

the face of rival BYD Electronic (00285.HK) is gaining and declining product margins dual pressures of the global handset OEM giant Foxconn International ( 02038.HK) In addition to the factory and shift production to lower cost areas, it seems there is no better short-term coup.

corresponding to that, although the number of Foxconn's employees increased in 2008 compared to 9.7%, but total expenditure was staff costs decreased 28% year on year, the per capita cost is reduced by 34% year on year .

16 days, Foxconn international release in 2009 earnings, revenue 7.241 billion U.S. dollars, down 22% year on year, net profit of 39.62 million U.S. dollars, up sharply 68%.

Foxconn International Wei-Liang Chen, chairman and chief executive, said new investment in the mainland's industrial park construction, the majority has been completed at the end of 2008, while last year has been basically completed the relocation and global rationalization of production layout, thus no longer need to spend a year as in previous years, large capital expenditure.

per capita cost reduction over 3 percent

filing shows at the end of 2009, the number of employees reached 118,700, compared to 108,200 in 2008, an increase of 9.7%, but Total staff costs but never the 672 million U.S. dollars in 2008 decreased to 485 million U.S. dollars in 2009, down 28%. Cost per capita of 6,210 U.S. dollars from 2008 down to 4086 U.S. dollars last year, down 34%, with only 3753 U.S. dollars in 2007 per capita costs, increasing 9%.

"Hebei Langfang and Beijing are now mobile phone factory production proportion of gross domestic mobile phone production over Qi Cheng." Foxconn Technology Group, an internal staff that the new factory in China last year, Foxconn has been put into use the basic .

In fact, from 2008 onwards, the minimum wage in Shenzhen, up from 750 yuan to 900 yuan, gave Foxconn International enormous pressure on operating costs, staff costs rose from 465 million U.S. dollars in 2007 to 2008, 672 million U.S. dollars, up 44.5% rise. Now mobile phone production areas transferred to the Hebei Langfang indeed eased Foxconn International continued upward pressure on operating costs. Because the Langfang Development Zone, the minimum wage standard for 750.

"In fact, employees can significantly reduce the total cost." Foxconn International, a house staff that Foxconn, the Taiwanese enterprises in mainland China from Taiwan to the mainland cadres stationed known as the " Taiwanese, "local train cadres in China as" dry land \Foxconn Technology Group in recent years launched localization movement, but "dry land" in the proportion of Foxconn International has not increased, there is less.

low margin dilemma

filing shows Foxconn International last year, overall product gross margin has dropped to 5.9% in 2007 to 9.2%, 6.9% in 2008. Compared to rival the level of BYD Electronic's overall gross profit margin has to far more optimistic.

despite the foundry industry as the face of mobile phone margins continued to decline, but gross profit margin last year, BYD Electronic remained at 14%, compared to 20% in 2008 fell by 6 percentage points. In addition, the income of BYD Electronic gap size and Foxconn International, also 6.4 times from 2008 down to 3.4 times last year.

"compared with the BYD Electronics, Nokia mobile phones have become the order of much Foxconn International." Who has worked in Foxconn source pointed out that with the rise of China's mobile phone in overseas markets, continue to squeeze margins Nokia phone space, natural also affected Foxconn International profit margins. Foxconn International 2008 filing shows Nokia's orders accounted for 43% of total sales.

addition, BYD Electronic also received more orders for domestic mobile phone, let gross margin is much higher than Foxconn.

the source pointed out that the mobile phone giant Nokia and other international face of the global market, which brought to the Foxconn International management costs, operating costs and logistics costs are far higher than natural BYD Electronic .

Wei-Liang Chen said in the earnings, the company's business development of new customers in Korea, in particular, sold the land and the holding company of Yantai. According to insiders, Foxconn International customers are Nokia, Motorola and Sony Ericsson, Samsung and LG International orders to Foxconn few. Clearly, Foxconn International this year, Samsung and LG would like to improve the ratio of mobile phone orders, after all, Samsung and LG mobile phones have entered the global top three mobile phone.

Wang 2010 phone shipments up 50% of the target to 3 million

Sina Technology News on April 19 morning news, according to Taiwan media reports, macros? merger smartphone OS though, the new management team integrates mobile phones to drive sales of Android phones Liquid rounds of the first quarter of this year's estimated shipments of Liquid 250 000, better than expected; macro? recent mobile phone shipments up goals this year, from the original 2 million, the challenge of 3 million transferred to a high standard.

macro? Recent organizational changes, originally to enter the smart phone market and in particular the establishment of the handheld device business groups SHBG, is reorganization. Therefore, the majority of staff will SHBG, starting from April 1 into the computer sector, the macro? Hope that through the integration of Group resources, full sprint smart phone market.

in research and development, R & D vice president by the SHBG Ma Wai-kwan, the mobile phone product planning, the vice president Gan Bolong responsible for two of the macro? Information Products Business Group, general manager of global operations center Weng Jianren report triangle to form a new team of mobile phones. Macro? Chairman JT Wang said that for the macro? Run, enter the smart phone market is one of 4C integrated part of the overall layout of the phone and computer do not have sharply divided.

macro? Director pointed out that macro? Year before the formal merger of Heavenly Sword in September, was originally considered two independent companies, and the properties of different computers and mobile phones, it has set up an independent operation of SHBG Business Group, through a years of operation and running, SHBG Business Group stage task is completed. Worldwide marketing, SHBG staffing included in the macro? Regional branch of the original computer sales team. In Taiwan, the macro? Linxian Lang, general manager of Taiwan than sales of computer, cell phone began to shoulder the heavy responsibility of trafficking. Therefore, the team integrated the phone and computer, do not repeat the waste of force.

macro? Expected in the second quarter of Computex Taipei, the introduction of several new machines, all smart phones, including Microsoft's Windows Mobile and Google's Android platform has a new machine, the original cell phone out of the year goods is a challenge goal of 2 million, recently raised within the target was revised to at least 2 million, the highest point of view 3 million.

In Taiwan, the macro? February squeeze Taiwan's top ten brand list of WCDMA handsets to about 0.5% market share, leading BlackBerry (Blackberry), Huawei Technologies, Inventec Appliances (Okwap), etc. opponents. (LUO)

> Related: Macros? To spend money: a decisive battle "red zone" macro? Will China and the Brazilian market as a business focus macro? CEO: will launch a notebook using Chrome the operating system

Samsung B5702 Dual SIM Dual Standby Gold Edition 2300 is only licensed

text / Kaka

[Beijing market] Samsung B5702 (parameters offer picture forum) is a Samsung's flagship dual card dual standby and introduced a mobile phone The machine supports GSM / EDGE dual-card mode. Gold Edition Samsung B5702C latest offer is only 2,300, accessories as: Double, double charging, headset, data cable. Like the machine may wish to look at friends, I bring you the following features to see highlights of this machine.

Samsung B5702 Click image to view details

Samsung B5702C features a slide design, body size measurements 106x52.5x18.3 mm, weight reached 143.3g, and does not use Samsung's ultra-thin body design, but the proportion of moderate in your hand. The screen is equipped with a 2.4-inch, 240x320 pixel resolution of the mainstream, display fine. Samsung B5702C built a 3 million pixel camera, easy to deal with daily shooting needs, but also support audio video recording it.

Samsung B5702 Click image to view details

function, the Samsung B5702C built-in multimedia player, support for MP3 / AAC / AAC + formats, such as audio and video formats MPEG-4/3GP/H.263, and have the background and play a variety of play modes and 3D sound effect equalizer settings. The use of embedded Picsel browser, users can browse the phone Microsoft Office (Word, Excel and Power Point), Adobe (PDF) and other formats. Addition, this machine is also equipped with dual card dual standby function, supports simultaneous management of two phone cards, sim cards to have multiple users is a big convenience.

Editor Comments:

Samsung B5702C greatest feature is the mobile phone supports dual card dual standby, machine configuration mainstream balanced, outstanding performance, the user can respond to a variety of applications, like friends and business contacts may wish to look, then refer to search entertainment network will enjoy more benefits then.

[mobile phone model] Samsung B5702C Gold Edition
[Price] 2,300
; [business telephone] 010-68319570 010-86007885

AUO intends to share transfer means the White Kunshan Tappi

of: Wang Ruchen

world's third largest panel companies entered Taiwan's AU Optronics Tappi the signs of Kunshan is gradually clear.

source has the "First Financial Daily" said AUO is planning to acquire through stock transfer Tappi Optoelectronics Economic Development Zone Kunshan, Jiangsu. Kunshan City, Long Fei is fully built 7.5-generation panel business, but also the first to get formal approval of relevant state departments of high generation plant.

However, since last March to get the State Department of Environmental Protection's approval and officially approved by the NDRC, due to the lack of industry experience and core team, building the project in September last year after the foundation and has no practical of progress. Kunshan has a technology side is waiting for the team, industrial enterprises to participate in the background. As the number of local Taiwan-funded enterprises, therefore, to introduce AUO be the better choice.

However, the Kunshan Industrial Park Economic Development Zone Industrial Section is responsible for optical people on newspaper in a telephone Zhang Xiaodong, said AUO involved in Tappi concerned, There is no "official explicit" down, still need to be in Taiwan " Investment review committee "(the" Investment Review Committee ") approval.

so-called "equity transfer" approach, is expected to grow from Kunshan Tappi AUO original shareholders to acquire equity side. EPA Environmental Assessment Kunshan publicity information display, Tappi by the collective assets management Co., Ltd. Kunshan Development Zone, and Grand City Developments Limited a joint venture. Of these, more than half of the former holders of shares.

the source said, Grand City is the background to facilitate investment in Taiwan-funded platform, or 5 on behalf of the project Kunshan IVO controlling party Infovision Optoelectronics (Dragon Holdings) for. Latest information display, Tappi project participants for the "Dragon Holdings," has decided not to invest in equity and transferred to AUO.

AUO to the official did not confirm the news. However, the Executive Vice President, Global Peng double wave during an interview two weeks ago, said that AUO is open, and the Kunshan not rule out the possibility of local generation projects in the high cooperation.

However, it needs to Taiwan, "Investment Commission committee" review. AUO has finalized a month ago, will build a 7.5 Generation in Kunshan plant in Taiwan earlier this month to "vote Examination Committee" to submit the investment application, however, 5 days ago, the latter to "fill up" the grounds that it withdrew back.

far, AUO official did not disclose, in the settling of the application, whether to include the acquisition of the contents of Dragon Holdings shares.

Internally and externally to six functional and practical selection of beautiful refrigerator

】 【the national grid is well known, the real "beauty" needs internally and externally, "fair without and foul within" the natural by product, but the test of time. Today, Xiao Bian on your selection of six stylish and practical refrigerator, they definitely called "In and Out."

Product Name: New flying refrigerator BCD-249EMA

new flying refrigerator BCD-249EMA cycle with three three independent design, independent closed refrigeration, variable greenhouse. Variable thermostat free greenhouse can also be transformed into soft frozen and freeze temperature zone, according to their needs discretionary preservation space.

new flying refrigerator BCD-249EMA

machine has 120-degree angle display, LED HD display, showing more clearly, the required temperature at a glance.

new flying refrigerator BCD-249EMA

the use of computers this refrigerator temperature control, thermostat control a degree of precision, the intelligent temperature, to ensure the temperature fluctuations, thereby helping to achieve a constant temperature preservation. Smart temperature function to ensure that the temperature fluctuation is small, to achieve constant temperature preservation.

new flying refrigerator BCD-249EMA

DC LED white lights, lighting, clear, and fresh food is clearly visible, than ordinary light bulbs energy saving, low heat, long life, more secure.

addition, the new dynamic three-dimensional fly original sterilization technology combines UV sterilization, ozone sterilization, sterilization of titanium and many other light sterilization technology, and in particular the role of ions through dynamic sterilization, more effective removal of air in the refrigerator and food bacteria on the surface. Sterilization fan-type device, so that cold temperature uniformity, temperature fluctuations small, and preservation of one more. Three-dimensional sterilization technology has been awarded 7 patents sterilization, sterilization more effective.


Global mobile phone operating system this year, 1.5 billion is expected over the second quarter batt

fly as network information (cases show Qian / text) April 19, according to Taiwan's expanding? Industry Research Institute expects the global mobile phone shipments in 2010 will reach 1.589 billion, 11.9% annual growth, mainly from the emerging Meanwhile, new markets and new users.

extension? Research Institute said growth momentum this year with mobile phone-based emerging markets such as India now has more than 400 million users, simplified monthly telecommunications liberalization upgrading policy, 2012 will exceed 700 million users. China actively promotes the 3G, is expected to allow handset shipments.

extension? Industry Institute of Communications Research Centre assistant manager Xie Yushan said that this year is the smart phones can be a decisive battle, the explosive growth in Q2 will be the highlight. She said that in 2009 smart phone penetration rate is only 13 to 15 percent in 2010, estimated penetration rate of 18-20%, estimated in 2011 will reach 25-28%, this means that every three mobile phones in 2011, the will have a cell phone is smart phones.

"the future development of smart phones will be" soft with hard, "mobile phone application store will be about smart phone development. Hardware gross profit margin declining, therefore, mobile phone manufacturers, rush into the smart phone The manufacturers are all want to launch its own operating system, can earn the money back service, "said Xie Yushan analysis.

Google earlier this year launched its own brand mobile phone Nexus One, the operating system an open platform, Android. Microsoft's April release own-brand smartphones Kin One and KinTwo, using Microsoft's operating system, scheduled in May in the United States. Samsung is also willing to invest to Costly developing their own mobile phone Bada platform, WaveS8500 scheduled to debut this summer, with chip maker Qualcomm has also pushed the end of mobile platform Brew. "2nd quarter of this year, smartphone, will enter the Warring States period, this can be said that the first year of mobile OS's Warring States," said Xie Yushan observation.

> Related: ZTE Global mobile phone shipments over Motorola in the top 5 in 2009 Huawei Terminal Details: Global mobile phone shipments over 30 million smashed the world's largest smuggling case in the value of 7.8 billion mobile phone smart mobile phone sales in Asia in recent Four percent global market

Low-carbon household appliances ignored or search for a breakthrough in China's household electrical

Italian reporter Xu Qiang

from the Copenhagen Climate Conference, the Chinese market has emerged on the wave of green carbon, rapidly engulfed the home appliance market, green, low carbon air conditioning, refrigerators, washing machines, water heaters and other products appear rushed. However, reporters noted that many consumers are on the market green carbon appliance does not buy it.

some consumers believe that the green concept is primarily a low-carbon household appliances speculation, and not let product in use and change and improve. Meanwhile, prices also rose considerably, some enterprises that trend by global low-carbon ride "ride." In response, many home appliance business is that the green low-carbon future development of the industry's direction, the current release of many household electrical appliances enterprises to achieve a product from R & D, manufacturing and other low-carbon of the whole process of upgrading the green. More importantly, in low-carbon global economy of the transition process towards the green, the home appliance products and technologies are also facing a new round of upgrading.

but many Chinese home appliance enterprises, how to achieve industry, markets, products, low-carbon transition, seemingly a huge green space value of low-carbon commercial space, then where, and how low with the current global tendency to quickly find new trends in carbon industry breakthrough? The answer is not yet clear, but the pace of exploration companies have been in full swing.

appliances where low-carbon space?

At present, many home appliance products, air conditioners, refrigerators and washing machines are typically large energy consumption, relates to water and electricity, steel, copper, plastics and other high resource utilization. However, in recent years, refrigerator, washing machine full speed up the transformation of energy conservation. Especially the refrigerator business, in recent years, energy efficiency and green around the two main directions in product performance, launched a series of layout. In Hisense Kelon, Meiling, the new flight, the United States, and Siemens joint efforts of enterprises, the market's refrigerator efficiency has improved rapidly, the market share surged to 80%. The water-saving washing machine market share is climbing, including the Little Swan, Midea, Hisense, Panasonic, Siemens and other major companies, many years ago shifted its focus to water-saving washing machines Bian Jiang. The state also issued a 6A standard washing machine, from the wash ratio, water consumption, power consumption, trouble-free running time of six washing machines made in terms of strict rules.

However, upgrading the energy efficiency of air conditioning is not smooth. Until this year, in March, the state released an upgraded fixed-frequency air-conditioning efficiency standards, requirements on June 1 this year, the firm can not manufacture and sale of two below the air-conditioning. And as early as last June, the state in order to promote sales of energy-efficient air conditioning, air-conditioning company also launched a special subsidy to the policy. By the end, 1,2-level energy-efficient air-conditioning sales accounting for only 50% breakthrough.

In fact, all household appliances, the TV is the most frequently used and the cycle of the product. However, as a single product lower power consumption, does not give enough attention. But the industry that improve the energy consumption of TVs around the corner, the current flat-panel TV energy efficiency standard has not yet issued. Previously, Konka, TCL, Skyworth and other enterprises have introduced energy-saving flat-panel TV, has been actively promoting energy efficiency upgrading of flat panel TVs.

now, for the domestic home appliances enterprises, energy efficiency in products, product components, product features and other aspects, in particular color TV, air-conditioned two types of products, there are still upgrading of green space for low-carbon technology.

the commercial value of low-carbon transition

Currently, many enterprises through the promotion and sale of green low-carbon household electrical appliances, mainly around consumer driven market, to stimulate new market demand in full swing. The same time, of deliberately low-carbon new technologies and new products, existing high-energy consumption of domestic appliances for the upgrading of the second.

industry observers point out that the short term, domestic enterprises to promote the transformation of the primary means of low-carbon, or focus on new technology products. Including the introduction of energy-efficient freon-free air conditioning, green freon-free refrigerators and energy-efficient water heaters, new materials, more energy-efficient LED LCD TV. At the same time, focusing on product R & D, production and sales, there have been some low-carbon technology initiatives, using new materials and components, increase online sales market development, strengthen energy-saving low-carbon of sale terminals and a series of reform initiatives.

recently Pescod pioneered in the country to build 5,000 low-carbon living museum's expansion plan, fully air-conditioned king master pushed carbon, will also pass the image, logo, materials and other means, seek a low-carbon comprehensive low-carbon living museum. The million and also opened a comprehensive energy consumption of traditional and low-carbon gas water heater Transformation curtain, and air can enter the solar water heater market, but also to transform the original product, launched a high efficiency condensing water heaters and aluminum substitution of lead leaching Copper water heater. In addition, the specialized market of biogas in rural water heater, gas stove and other new products.

at the end of March after the completion of a comprehensive restructuring, Hisense Kelon Electrical also announced that it would create "full carbon" strategy was halted and the following unit of two fixed-frequency air conditioners and refrigerators are two non-energy products , with a low-carbon business off its multi-brand strategy white business restructuring.

[corporate action]

leveraging the low-carbon living appliances launched the National Museum of Pescod Secondary layout

【】 press coverage of Cogent Beijing China last year started high marketing efficiency air conditioning after the first shot, high air-conditioning was recently Zaidufali Chi, announced in the domestic market to launch a "low carbon living museum Appliance" program, for the country two, three, four the number of market construction is about 5000 Chi full range of home appliances with high franchise stores.

Pescod side release shows that the low-carbon living museum appliances, in addition to showing Chigo air conditioning, will also appear Pescod Group refrigerators, washing machines, air to water heaters and small appliances, etc., all show out of all of the energy-saving home appliances products. Among them, the air-conditioned class admission threshold to an energy efficiency and other home appliances will also meet the national standards for energy-related products. In addition to low-carbon energy products living outside the museum, decorated in the exhibition hall layout, it will be integrated into "low carbon" concept, using energy-saving low-carbon material.

used as the living museum is the introduction of preferential high-chi, the topography of high dealer preparation way of voluntary reporting, the next blog will be the high rate of expansion and new products around the distributor to promote business cooperation speed constraints. Insiders point out that the country had Pescod two, three, four markets in the dealer network is basically dominated by air-conditioned channel, while the current through the construction of "home appliances carbon lifestyle," project operation, can skillfully Pescod's ice wash, air to water heater and other new products to market quickly, increase Pescod the original dealer's business scope and profitability point.

However, some industry concerns, the current high in the air conditioning Chi advantage of the more obvious, brand reputation and market pull are good, but in these new appliances, consumers and distributors for the product quality and performance of acceptance and understanding, but also a process. This will be constrained in the short term Pescod rapid expansion of this project.

have air-conditioning industry observers point out that the platform of high commitment in the Chi "energy saving" responsibility of a good platform to build corporate social image, but also right on the "low carbon" and "market management" integration together with carbon lifestyle as a platform, will comprehensively promote the full range of white high chi products in the second to open up the domestic market.

now Pescod as a listed company in Hong Kong, its home, and central air-conditioning business has been into the listed company's platform, but other white goods and small household appliances are not included. This time, Mr Pescod has not clearly said 5000, "carbon lifestyle," the construction of sources of funding.

million and build low-carbon products group to build a new kitchen and home appliances market

【Shunde's security is also addressed reports】 face the "traditional manufacturing industry challenges and opportunities a low carbon economy" This proposition, 10,000, and foundation chairman Lu thinks that China's traditional kitchen and home appliances industry is facing a "low-carbon baptism\The next few years, kitchen and home appliances market will usher in a low-carbon development in new growth point and inflection point.

It is understood that since last year, my kitchen and home appliances industry is facing tremendous growth opportunities: With the acceleration of urbanization process in China, the rapid construction of new countryside, the market added 8 million households each year. The next 2-3 years, at least 600 million homes a year need to replace the water heater, gas appliances and other products. The quick start rural consumption market, and further amplification of this product market space.

However, Lu basis of its view that the current kitchen appliances, represented by the traditional manufacturing industry is facing new development bottleneck. Especially in the process of transition towards a low carbon technology, the enterprises are facing opportunities and challenges, how to handle the transition process in enterprises in the short, medium and long-term interests of balance, need to enterprises in the product, look for new breakthrough technology.

reporter has learned that 10 000 and has implemented a "two-step" development strategy of low-carbon products. The first step is to adjust the product structure, the development of new energy and renewable energy products, has entered a solar water heater, air to water heaters, water heaters, biogas, biogas stoves, and other new markets. The second step is to improve efficiency in the use of traditional energy products, reduce energy consumption. As early as 2005, 10000 and have successfully developed the highest level of domestic saving rate (107%) of premix condensing gas water heater; last year to introduce new materials, innovative products Aluminum water tank water heaters, copper water tanks abandoned the original dip Lead process, using the overall welding production process, production process more energy-saving, environmental protection, thermal efficiency is improved about 6%.

Lu also said his foundation, the next 1-2 years, 10 000, and also in the national market, for the domestic terminal building of the first gas consumers with a "low-carbon store\products "low carbon certification\

> Related: rapid transformation of Chinese enterprises to go from the Consumer Electronics Association to Return Weapon up to the entire low-carbon energy products Hisense Kelon re-distribution of the global market energy-saving appliances changed to "the low-carbon" by 2010 low-carbon energy saving methods first common household appliances Daquan carbon appliance sales increased proportion Liu Cheng
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