
Network promoter Jiemi speculation Insider A Sister Feng Fu a team can

"angel MM\may not know, looks fully reflect "public opinion" behind the network of public opinion, there are also a group of professional "network push hands"!

breakthrough with China's 400 million Internet users, network marketing is to meet an outbreak of the times, and chaos has followed. Recently, Xiamen, a "network Pushing Hands" to the popular Red reporter Jiemi network insider and networks behind the push to make money hand chain.

Key: How to Stir a hot topic

in Xiamen Software Park, a nondescript office building in Phase II, a director of technology engineering company operating a network Ho Fai and his pushing hands team are nervously planning with a case.

"Our goal is to find a feature of commodity, Stir a hot topic, and finally to the company's sales platform BtoC network name of the first shot in the market." Recently, Ho Fai jokes in the interview: "This way than traditional advertising spending to drop much less, while the effect is very likely better."

"For example, robust in much of the network of Red Plastic Xifeng not to do? plastic surgery hospital asked her reaction certainly not bad advertising. In addition, if requested Xifeng endorsement wedding, chances are there are unexpected and effect. "Ho-hui in the view, after a period of culture, the primary network to promote the ascendancy of Xifeng promoter who has entered" harvest period. " "It's Xifeng has become the 'alternative star', and its promoter are behind a network becomes' star agent'。"

He Hui also interested in tossing out something on the Web situation. When he and the team commissioned to do by the promotion of a gaming company, made a pre-planned: a beauty company in the online game designers who work hard, by concentrating light, will be holding a network of its Red, and then gradually in the implanted her publicity company's products online game ... ... At that time, the price for any out-hui is 600,000 yuan. This estimated cost of 600,000 yuan, the team's plan cost only to the 20% speculation, the other is used in the portal advertising, public relations at Union and other media.

"suspected of 600,000 yuan may be their asking price too high, cooperation did not become." Talking about this on How to still feel a bit sorry.

"to Scoop 'Sister Feng', 'Sister Lotus' highly intense it really is." Network for preventing the Bank on the promoter of those networks are, how-hui was very impressed . However, although not generous, but he was speculation in some small areas have tasted the taste of success promoter.

few years ago, Ho Fai where the company has a well-known international brand agency stock shoes. In order to expedite a move in the pre-sales for some time, they found several well-known forum for the posting name of the consumer is not accusing them of selling fake air-cushion shoes, pay 10 to 1. Followed by a "moderator" status out at the "fair\But consumers do not buy it, but also with merchants staged a "split shoes" storm, and finally confirmed that the "shoe is authentic."

"this 'debate' is reproduced through an online forum, spread, causing great concern." Ho Fai quite proud to say: the final victories is to spend the cost of 1,000 yuan to more than 700 pairs of shoes sold out.

threshold: want to be a promoter asked pretty high

He Hui is not the only network in Xiamen promoter.

"Xiamen crazy, in order to enhance the CIFIT popular, actually comes in different forms to help were invited!" Online, the reporter found that such a network with Xiamen promoter who launched the hype the event.

post published last year by the end of August, the publisher is a cultural communication company in Xiamen. On-line information display, which is a "professional culture dedicated to business planning software, writing, marketing, speculation business" company.

the main content of the posts through the PS deal with a group of photos: the landmark building in Xiamen, the hanging as "a warm welcome comes in different forms, Fan Meizhong, Sister Lotus, you might expect MM to visit Xiamen CIFIT" banner slogan, it is truly ridiculous. But from the view of traffic and with the Posts, posts and did not cause much stir.

"and Beijing, Shanghai and other big cities, the current network of Xiamen minimal promoter, the market is far from forming." Ho-fai said his team is now pushing hands only 3 individuals, which two or recruited from Shanghai, and actual combat experience in Shanghai. Currently, they only serve the marketing plan within the company. While some companies took the case, ask them to promotion, but they refused. "Do not say can be done, with the successful operation of the planning takes a lot of energy."

In fact, in Beijing, Shanghai and other first tier cities, there have been a number of professional web marketing planning agency. Journalists view the website of these companies found that not only its content is quite rich, the "Forum Marketing\with the crew, baby items, beverages and products.

"Pushing Hands, the threshold of the network is very high, a good promoter of network knowledge network to a wide Internet users familiar with the mentality; have considerable planning ability, master of words better; a wide range of media resources. "A few years network marketing experience, of which Ho Fai know the difficulty. "Without a strong network of appeal, you will be issued by post immediately inundated simply can not form a topic."

chaos: quite a mixed bag to be standard

It is understood that the mainland about 1000 home network marketing company, with an attendance of at least 10 million are Internet and media celebrities, and network services to target promoter, and as a breakthrough 400 million Chinese Internet users, network marketing is to meet an outbreak of the times, and chaos has followed .

"Internet start-promoter of this line, there are still many problems." Xiamen, a promoter who approached the network to help promote the products of private enterprises boss admitted: Network promoter of the company's qualifications, services, prices do not necessarily standards, and sometimes pay a lot of money, but also fail to achieve the desired effect.

It is understood that some unscrupulous promoter not only for enterprise networks to provide brand hype, product marketing, word of mouth to maintain, crisis public relations services, also according to customer orders for intensive post, slander, defamation competitors, even control public opinion about the court ruling. This phenomenon is known as "network of crime." The promoter of the enterprise network hype, the Internet users in advance of the psychological, in accordance with the angry youth, hatred of the rich, sympathetic to the weak production of such factors as net posts; in the production of posts, each post must be typos, there must be one or two statements barrier sentences, can make people believe it is posted online knock people out, without modification of the real argument; employment "Water Army" post-intensive, employing the post hand-over is a student, social loafing personnel, a group of 100 people The company is responsible for 10 groups of 1, usually with five or six 10 "Water Army" group, some companies hold more than 50 million Internet forum addresses, it is easy to make a post in thousands of forums to form a cluster effect .

defamation as companies placed on file by the Internet is difficult, companies are unable to find the post, but can not use legal means to activists. Many companies appeal to improve the judicial means to post those who fear responsibility.

network promoter of the art of making money

network promoter also known as network marketing planner, network push-off, some people also called network public relations. Promoter of the target network services include: businesses, products and individuals.

network Reds can not do without the network promoter of the packaging, they make the reality of ordinary people with great speed popular in the network, but this is only part of the network promoter. Now the network is pushing for more hands to face business products and services to promote and build brand awareness. In general, the network has the following main promoter of money Tips:

1, the design of a controversial event or person, through a series of network planning to go online Reds, baseball into a star-like figure, in addition to appearance fees charged , but also can be implanted in the event business or product advertising, collect advertising fees, or directly to the enterprise network Reds endorsement, obtained by the network and network Reds promoter into the agreement.

2, into the company's operation, planning events directly to corporate customers, manufacturing hot network topics, to promote business or product ads. Also own the enterprise network promoter team, specializing in corporate location.

3, act as a network "hatchet man" for enterprise customers to create competition in the network spread negative comments, ink smear on their conduct.

Ben Wang Shun and journalists (Southeast Network - Channel Guide)



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