
Jie Mi Online Gambling Game sites may secretly Zuozhuang

cat rushed home page article entitled "Internet Gambling combat exposed, pain lost 390,000 yuan in 7 days! "The post caused the concern of many users, just three days to more than a dozen pages with Posts. So in the end this is true or false? Internet Gambling Is Youyi what form? Reporter linked to the post and others who have experience of Internet Gambling, gambling games for you to reveal the truth of the network.

game in the name of gambling is a real

's way through the network connection to Li Feng (a pseudonym), the publisher of the cat rushed post, only 29 years old, he is a Hunan Liuyang Fireworks factory boss, in his own words, Chu Laihun earlier society of the time, so make some money. He told reporters, according to said lost 390,000 yuan, not seven days, but three months, up to 17,000 yuan a lost, also won a 9000 yuan's. The reason for starting the title, is to attract more people's attention.

To further confirm that Feng is not as it said, lost 390,000 yuan, the reporter be required to provide top-up record, according to Li Feng provided three different accounts, the recharge at least RMB 15 million yuan, he said, There are many small, so to say, at least confirmed lost 390,000 yuan, has a certain authenticity.

Li Feng gambling mentioned in the post game is a chess game called 66w of the Hong Kong-style five (Stud). Open 66w reporters web site, find online games seem to be an ordinary Web site, above a Landlords and other types of online games. What is specific in the end it be?

light recharge way there are 10 kinds of

's website pages according to instructions, entered the game after registration, showing personal level is the formal workers, with 1,000 coins. Game list, five games to choose from are: Landlords competition, the Hong Kong-style five, beef, Jinhua 3, backgammon. Apart from Landlords game (time every day 9 am to 11 pm), and backgammon, no gold limit, other games need gold as a prerequisite, but lost after giving gold, come from? The answer is the players recharge. Of course, in addition to recharge, according to Feng introduced in the backgammon game, you can intentionally lose each other, you can be your gold forwarded to the other side as needed.

press center in the top-see, 66w total of 10 top-up mode, quick money, mobile cards, voice, Paypal and online banking and so on. And the different ways according to recharge, 1 yuan can be exchanged for gold coins to range from 7500 to 9000. In order to improve the players recharge their enthusiasm, 66w also recharge the player to implement VIP membership system, members of the player after the upgrade, the game will be dressed in Qing dynasty emperor service. Li Feng, the three accounts presented to journalists, were VIP2, VIP3, VIP4, that total recharge up to 150,000 yuan.

"backroom" of gambling, set a maximum limit

Li Feng, the play called the Hong Kong-style five (Stud) of the game, commonly known as a straight flush. Under the first charge of several players a certain number of coins, and then start from the dealer, all players take turns placing their bets on a bureau down, losing the money you can say is amazing, usually informal network of board games are against such games, or their The maximum bet limit certain restrictions. The interview 66w customer service, and the answer is no maximum amount limit, say within a few minutes, lost several thousand are possible.

but also in the game room, the most important point is that players can set a password or gold lines, other players can not enter, so that the formation of a gamble between a few small chamber, which is a casino. Reporter asked whether the person in charge there gambling phenomenon, its repeatedly denied, for those based on the number of gold coins valued set list, he said, gold is trading between players, the player is to recharge Is gold trading? Obviously, this argument hardly convincing.

edition have written: reporter Yan Leung

's survey

no fixed telephone and business address

to confirm there 66w Government departments for the record, the record's login information check the Ministry of Industry Centre, found that 66w is in June 2009 approved, registration is the individual, but the link in the page the way 66w, 66w into a company, the site content is not approved specific labeling. Web site address displayed in Huzhou, Zhejiang, and only 400 customer service phone number and QQ, there is no fixed telephone company has no address. In accordance with relevant laws and regulations, to top up online games services companies, is required to have value-added telecommunications business license, but not 66w.

"Brand You" is likely to be site manager

like 66w these advertised brand computer random number, claiming fair game website, its really the case? Li Feng, after losing, start slowly reflect on and found that some players may be the site administrators themselves. He said that when their cards get almost the best, the other always better than his cards. Therefore, the final loser is definitely money to buy gold coins of the players. Site that is gambling platform provider, is making some sense, play is not lost forever earned the role. Unfortunately, Feng even thought of it, but gambling addiction is often intolerable, will still go to the top play.

Internet gambling has become the industry chain

If 66w at least under the banner name of the network game, then games like chess-prone, then that is direct gambling. According to friends Wen Hsiao presentation, press Enter in Baidu, "prone game\Random click on a reporter to enter, see chess game is so prone introduced: real money Landlords, cash Landlords, real money bar Jinhua, real money Stud, Texas Hold'em, Mahjong real money, real money Sangong . A minimum 2 gross Bureau, online banking to pay, fast and convenient withdrawals at any time. British regular entertainment company, safe and reliable ... ... the current network has a membership of more than 30 million people, usually the same time the number of online game play against up to thousands.

In this presentation, is no longer a secretive way to play the name game, but directly under the banner name of gambling to attract users registered to participate. And these as a "chess-prone" in the name of the site, view the network record batch number, some Beijing, some of Heilongjiang, what information others are not, leaving only the QQ number. Some clicks later, enter another website, the above state is "held by the Philippines, the legal online casino license." In the "prone" Baidu Post Bar, it is crowded with all kinds of different chess gambling games, users continue to be recommended, where gambling has become a conversation through the platform of experience, or deceived.

According to Wen Hsiao said, the whole network of like-prone gambling games, has formed a complete industry chain cover to promote ride called pyramid schemes similar to the way a human ladder, users can obtain a commission through the promotion of website; in the game Inside, there are special "business" selling gold coins, the website by providing a platform drawn from each bureau commission, commission rate is about 5% deducted from the winner inside.

Expert Comments

financial sector has the responsibility to monitor large capital flows

recent years, gambling games on the network news, never stop, Tencent, winger and a number of gambling online games have been a phenomenon of explosion, then how best to combat Internet gambling games, online games space norms. In response, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Network Outlines Legal Research Center pointed out in the media: standard operating behavior of online game industry, to prevent hidden gambling, prevention and justice in taking technology to combat such measures, should complete the following as soon as possible laws and regulations:

First of all, how to define standards for online games hidden gambling is not very clear, a lot of marvelous game which is difficult to be brought to justice. Therefore, the standard gamble online games hidden, scope, form of gambling money, should profit purpose, time and space are clearly defined.

Second, with online games hidden gambling gambling money the increase, the number of participants increase and increasing influence, criminal punishment should be greater efforts, based on the existing efforts need to increase penalties, extended sentencing time, to deter criminals.

again, communications authorities should improve the operation of the Internet services unit of monitoring measures to detect and block problem sites investigated for the problem site operators to provide telecommunications services; network service providers should strengthen site management, prohibit gambling site access. In the gambling money in the circulation of the relevant financial departments have the responsibility of the unusually large flow of funds for supervision.

> Related: Hangzhou cracked the case of a major cross-border Internet gambling and the amount involved in the rapid spread over 300 000 000 Internet gambling was four characteristics of several hundred billion a year outside the Ministry of Public Security announced the loss of a number of typical Internet gambling illegal and criminal cases



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