
Interview with UC Yu Yongfu to achieve fiscal balance has not ruled out future acquisitions

Yu Yongfu

Sina Technology News March 30 pm news, business UC mobile Internet browsers (excellent as the Science and Technology) today announced that Nokia Growth Fund received from the investment. You, as the technology CEO Yu Yongfu told Sina science and technology interview revealed, UC browser has been achieved breakeven in early 2009, and they would not rule out acquisitions to expand the scale of development.

Interview with UC Yu Yongfu: to achieve fiscal balance has not ruled out future acquisitions Media Source: Sina Technology

Yu Yongfu said the way the Internet is not a secret profit, is to give the company charges fees to customers as well as from e-commerce transactions in charge, but these three methods will be tried next UC browser. Yu Yongfu said in early 2009 UC browser to make attempts in the value-added services, has been able to achieve financial breakeven.

after the completion of the fourth round of financing, Yu Yongfu said to do immediately is to expand the recruitment of personnel in R & D products. As Yu Yongfu with venture capital experience, he acquired for investment of more mature, he thought the investment in the acquisition process of growth must be used in UC as a way not rule out the possibility of future investment in acquisitions.

four rounds of financing for the public to consider the question of whether, Yu Yongfu said the listing is just a process, listing can bring value to the brand, and the ability to motivate staff. Only in these two effects will be considered under the UC market, but at present no detailed timetable.

Yu Yongfu stressed that while the experience of four rounds of financing, the current UC browser still is an independent development, entrepreneurship, the team still has the absolute controlling stake. He also said 800 people before the company will continue to use full ownership of the means. "We have 500 employees, that there are 300 places, as long as the regularized least 1 year will have options."

The following is an interview with Record:

Sina technology: Congratulations Yongfu, excellent as the technology has completed a financing, first of all have you and friends to share basic information about the current round of financing.

Yu Yongfu: We have some time to communicate the financing, the main thought after UC in 2007 no longer is purely financial, or simply finance enterprises, mainly in need thinking in the Internet industry, which Help, can help UC rapid growth, such as strategic investment in Alibaba.com last year to accept this year, Nokia Growth Partners has received the investment. Attract investment and growth in the UC process all aspects of the industry chain, with those thinking, after a period of time to communicate, to reach the final with the intention of Nokia Growth Partners.

this incident in itself important for the UC to realize their dreams, should be an important step. This dream is the mobile Internet industry in UC, UC how fast the next decade to long-term development? From today's very important to do things, make UC the past five years has accumulated a number of technical aspects of products to gain further improve the current 70% of R & D staff, we plan to recruit software engineers 500-1000, expanding UC In terms of technology innovation and accumulation.

Sina Technology: We are concerned about a few Internet companies get from investment in telecommunications, you can share with us the specific amount of the investment level in the scale of what?

Yu Yongfu: the amount of investment is not convenient with you I said, I can share is that UC and Nokia is so far the most expensive mobile internet transactions, UC is the valuation of several hundred million dollars.

Sina technology: access to Nokia's investment in the future be able to use what resources?

Yu Yongfu: Actually, I believe that any of the two companies in the business, if you want to form a long-term cooperation, must be a win-win situation, either Nokia, or any company. Because we have to consider what to partners, partners which give us support, it must be win-win situation. From the Chinese perspective the development of mobile terminals, mobile phones will no longer simple communications devices, the future of mobile phones must be internet. So over the past two years, with more than 30 UC brand mobile phone vendors, mobile phone browser with UC is equivalent to the Internet phone, which is a whole industry chain of hardware and software division of labor and cooperation. So I believe that the partners can bring in each other's business support is a win-win situation, will not be due to other factors.

Sina technology: I think the first two days, IT Summit, Shenzhen, there are arguments on the mobile Internet, mobile Internet, you have fought on for some time, do you think the industry now?

Yu Yongfu: I think the problem they have two: first, the past 30 years per decade in the entire IT industry, there is a great innovation and upgrading of the birth of every ten years will be a lot of good business , leader-class companies. We will summarize the past IT industry has gone through three dynasties, in the 90's before, this dynasty was created by IBM, is the key word of this dynasty hardware. In the 90 years before the computer is not a professional in the field, not prepared for the individual user. The second dynasty of 90 years, it was the golden years of personal computer, the king of Microsoft, the software is the key word this decade. So the software than the hardware. We look at the first decade of the 21st century is the last decade is the third dynasty, Key words, the Internet, the Internet beyond the software because the software sold on CD-ROM in user, this is the whole profit model, but the After the birth of the Internet, no one in the district to consider myself the software sold on CD in the user, but the software can be free to use, but also in the process of using the software, process or service with its own profit model .

three kingdoms of which we see in China an opportunity to grasp the two also gave birth to two dynasties, is 90 years of personal computers, Lenovo seize the opportunity to become China's dynasties. In the past decade China's Tencent grasp this opportunity, Tencent is a software, but it does not affect a huge profit machine.

we stand today in 2010, an important point, the next decade we will witness a common history and the fourth dynasty, the dynasty of the Key word is wireless, from industry trends, wireless Internet or a mobile Internet future will be golden years, it is industry, the laws of nature, will not be affected.

The second point is about the development of the Internet over a decade, we have also seen the development of the Internet is now the industry environment, some things are good places to develop, in some places is not conducive to industrial development. But we do think about the Internet actually has its own two very, very important, and our internal call faith, faith of the two key words: one is innovation, one of openness. Impact of these two, or to inhibit these two things, I believe, but the overall environment in one day, just like the weather, sometimes sunny, sometimes thunder and lightning storms, but will not affect the whole industry moves forward.

we look at 10 years of the Internet industry, the birth of so many outstanding companies and leaders of companies, each company is innovation on this issue in a huge breakthrough can be achieved today. This thing wants to tell if the development of UC, only in innovation continued to do their articles.

Sina Technology: UC browser how to present earnings, the financing will be used in any specific area?

Yu Yongfu: you ask how the money first, the second is how to spend money.

In fact, the Internet is the most profitable things that do not model, the first charge to the company, the second to the user money, value-added services in China; third is through e-commerce transactions conducted through the profit.

we see the whole ten years of Internet development process, business model, the general is a mature industry in the commercialization stage, these Internet companies will adopt a common, or is the same a profitable model. We think these companies are, in addition to advertising on the portal profit, how profitable value-added services, how to conduct e-commerce profitability.

from UC in terms of their own, these three revenue models the future, we will try, but that which the most important thing is the rhythm, we must grasp the Internet as a business process. Today this point in time for the user's point of view is a stage of rapid development, because development of a million users each year, but from a business point of view of the mobile Internet is still in the initial stage, in 2009 we made some preliminary attempts, mainly value-added services, the first two months, I can not share specific UC how much money, but I can share one thing, from January 2009 after the UC financial or break even, and should do to break even. We get a new round of investment, right after the dry matter, to expand the recruitment of personnel for R & D products, which in Internet companies, human resources will always be an Internet company's most important asset.

Sina technology: there are no acquisition considerations?

Yu Yongfu: We should invest in the acquisition as a means of growing methods and tools. That with you to recruit a number of like-minded partners to the companies, Internet companies in recent years in fact only the beginning try to use step by step this way, in fact, we see the Internet in foreign countries, such as several large companies acquisition, merger, investment He has become a routine tool for development. May be due to my past experiences in terms of, so that the investment will be more mature. Therefore, UC investments and acquisitions must be used in the process of growing their way.

Sina Technology: I see some corporate finance to 34, 45, when the plan began to have listed, you started this is not a consideration?

Yu Yongfu: Actually, this topic is a good question, we need to return to nature, today we are entrepreneurs, the entrepreneur we have to think about a problem, we listed the purpose of what? Listing is definitely a process, not an end. We look at any company is listed, the shares are the most treasured business team, we give some of our shareholders an investment as a means of cash flow, our employees options to internal motivation, as a mechanism to bring the market . But in the end market is a process that the two most important values: one is the value for the brand, you from a non-listed company into a listed company, we think that your standard, transparency has improved significantly . The most important options to their employees incentives can have a functional way.

UC in the past few years, we have full ownership by the way, each adding UC colleagues, we asked the students, as long as one year turned positive UC will be able to access the options, we earlier this year announced a matter, we will continue to use 800 before full ownership of the way, we have now reached 500, meaning that there are 300 places, as long as one year there will be options to positive. I think this is what we think the two roles listed on the causes, time to market, I think each company according to its own business and the circumstances and the maturity of the industry itself to choose an appropriate time. I do not have a specific point in time.

Sina technology: the current management team shares what is now the case?

Shuyong Fu: the current development of UC remains an independent company, the company remains the team's absolute control of our company business. (Tracy)

interview with UC Yu Yongfu: to achieve fiscal balance has not ruled out future acquisitions Media Source: Sina Technology Play Video> Related reading: You, as the technology Yu Yongfu: trust is priceless UCWEB Yu Yongfu: bystanders do not want this development effort, as the international market superior technology, said CEO Yu Yongfu listed within 3 years



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