
Interview with Intel Yang Syria industry chain cooperation is a qualitative change

Pictured: Sina Technology Interview, vice president of Intel China President Yang Syria

Sina Technology News March 29 News, will be outside the sphere of influence extended to more areas of PC is the focus of Intel's efforts. Told Sina science and technology interview, Intel vice president and China, described the Syrian president Yang, now the cooperation of industry chain parties with in the past have been very different.

Video: Interview with Vice President of Intel China President Yang Syrian media Source: Sina Technology

Yang narrative, communication industry, the consumer electronics industry, and even embedded device manufacturers, etc., have a broader industrial chain opportunities for cooperation, and greater opportunities for development.

the face of these may not currently Intel's dominance of the field, Yang and Syria that the greatest advantage of Intel's performance and compatibility. We will also focus on lower power consumption, and make the cost more competitive.

Yang Syria stressed Intel's cooperation in these areas will become different now. "In the future may have to take into account in the design of the first operating system from the device to the above, the above application, build, and finally what kind of services into the market, this is a deeper, broader cooperation in the industrial chain."

"Intel has decades of experience and software to co-operate and experience, so this should be further strengthened, and the applications used in different devices, to experience different effects and services." "while also and operators, to a large number of application integration into the service. "Yang narrative.

Intel into China has been 20 years, as Intel is one of China's iconic figure, Yang Syria last year, China formally became president. Yang narrative, and different from before, now they need more starting from the overall strategy to co-ordinate the deployment of Intel in China, from production, and research into the areas of sales and marketing resources to find the Chinese market development and government policies needed meeting point. (Wen-yuan)

The following is full text of interview:

Intel chips will be extended to more areas

Sina Technology: My first One issue concerns the whole IT industry, the trend this year, recently heard a lot of very optimistic predictions, the development of the IT industry, and even the development of the whole economic situation is very optimistic forecast. Depending on your feelings and your judgments, how you do kind of expect it?

Yang Syria: I think it is quite optimistic. Before talking about this year, and then look at the opportunity last year to see where some of the future. Last year, under the challenge of the financial crisis, of course, great efforts the Chinese government, the rapid development of out of our plan to revive the economy, including the most direct sense, including the then home appliances to the countryside, etc., in the last year has played a significant role in . The entire PC industry, IT industry has a direct impact on promoting. Moreover, many such projects, this year continues.

the same time I saw the beginning of this year, including the resumption of commercial sales, etc., financial crisis. Overall, including our consumer products like notebooks, still very fast transition. Overall, the current trend is still very much to feel good, so this year's direction was more optimistic.

Sina Technology: We have always said the driving force of the recovery, the future growth of the breakthrough Ye Hao, this year we have a new judge and new ideas?

Yang Syria: There are several concerns this year, is concerned about our country and promote the direction of national policy, such as now in the traditional PC, just mentioned a few places, our consumption of computers, notebooks, desktop, or even commercial. In addition to the traditional PC, the future in the face of greater convergence as also being constantly promote cloud computing, etc., in these fields, not only is the IT industry in the future, including the communication industry, consumer electronics industry, and even embedded type equipment manufacturing, etc., are wider opportunities for cooperation in the industrial chain, and greater opportunities for development.

the future is not only bright spot, this is a real industry trends, application trends, and even the way of the future establishment of new services. These are all issues of concern, the intense development of its product strategy, etc., including software services above structures, etc., these may be very important, the wider industry chain development opportunities.

Sina Technology: Intel do?

Yang Syria: Intel core competencies or positioning themselves in our chips, because Intel is always a large scale integrated circuit design and manufacturing company. Before more chips in the traditional field of application of PC, but today saw further development and evolution of the Internet, far beyond the traditional PC itself.

So this year our biggest bright spot, in the traditional PC is the PC itself in a more intelligent, this is a real intelligent processors come, this year's PC is more intelligent. We have colleagues cited previous good example of the previous computer, use the car analogy, the previously manual, it is automatic files, all the computers in architectural design from the first chip in the function of the completion of your application to automatically deployment, such as the two core, four-core chips, Intel can handle two tasks of a nuclear, it is always used to say, like Hyper-Threading Technology. Because of structural advantages in the completion of simple tasks, the chip can provide all of the properties of a nucleus to the nuclear frequency is very high, so the completion of simple tasks, can be quick. Once the task want to add, what are complex, multi-tasking environment, and the average allocation for each core and each core can increase the frequency of the previous framework, no such advantage. Why this is true from the chip, our traditional business intelligence in an era, it is traditional business.

year, because of this product innovation in the market, particularly in the consumer area, in retail, it is now very high acceptance, including in the retail market last week saw Intel's latest i3, i5, i7 Smart chip, brought the demand for intelligent computer is very busy.

In addition, products such as Ling move after the birth of the first two years, the Internet present, with the further decline of its power after a lot of embedded into the areas to mobile terminals so, this is more concerned about our future.

Intel chips from the point of view, we have the traditional PC platform, before the chip, greater expansion to other areas, to consumers as a completely different experience.

Intel's greatest advantage is performance, compatibility, software, resulting in what the Internet to expand into different devices, the experience of it, of course, its manageability, power to do it even lower, more competitive cost advantage.

such as triple play later, it happened in the traditional PC, including a number of devices beyond the traditional PC can offer more personalized experience effect, it is very clear trend.

ecological industry chain cooperation to rebuild

Sina technology: embedded mentioned in expanding new areas of Internet computing, many industry people, including your competitors have also seen many opportunity which, if you want to expand in new areas, Intel will face more and stronger competitors than ever, you think Intel continues to maintain the competitive edge, it's the point?

Yang Syria: that is, to the efforts of Intel, the Intel tradition of business at any time there are competitors to the new field, there are new competitors.

but I think the most critical of several points, first, how the future technology trends and Ying Yong of the trend, we see how yes, how the various manufacturers to see, what the market needs the market and what kind of experience, what kind of service, what kind of features can to meet the case, this I believe the manufacturers are working on.

I also talked about Intel's advantage that we had the most confidence is the performance of this product, I believe Intel is unique. Once the performance of the computer platform brings more to the other device after the above, I believe that these handheld devices, automotive, home appliances like TV, I want to experience the effect is very rich, and can build a lot of innovation in the above and personalized Internet services, which is Intel's very confident, and is compatible.

Sina technology: use of the environment and the user experience may be entirely different from the PC's use of the environment, how to face new problems of Intel?

Yang Key: This question asked a very good cooperation in this and not the same as before, is the content of vertical integration, this may be way before the service, and cooperation in different aspects of the industry chain, previously may do so out of the computer hardware developers, software developers the software to do it very standardized platform, all the software can be loaded into the computer used.

in the future may have to be considered in the design of the first operating system from the device to the above, the application of the above, structures, and finally turned into what kind of services to market, this is deeper, wider the cooperation of industry chain, so this is the future we may have to go and more chain partners to cooperate things.

the last of our core technology, but Intel is the lower of the chip itself, so I chip function, its power, the future of these applications meet the business to provide value-added services and different experience, in this regard, we are very confident, because the software is compatible with effects, etc., have already talked about, but the cooperation certainly much more complex than before.

Sina technology: You talked about cooperation in a complex way, many, now, how do you kind of work to deal with such complexity, because you say so, not only to the chip, in the whole from bottom to the services, hardware to software, and consider development.

Yang Syria: why the software needs and to co-operate, and Intel and software several years of experience, and experience to co-operate, so this should be further strengthened, and the applications used in different devices, to experience different results and services.

while also and operators, to a large number of application integration into a service mode, and even broadcast television operators to provide triple play operators in the future, the future of services, etc., these'm going to try, This is what I just said why the level of cooperation will deepen, and even the cooperation of industry chain will become increasingly wide.

Sina Technology: Can you tell me a specific example, the state of cooperation now, the number of partners, and partners in developing the next phase of the main goals?

Yang Syria: a device that many developers, there are many partners in China, of course, goes without saying that the traditional PC, PC other than handheld devices, automotive systems, application software developers, including large domestic are co-operators.

Intel is more concerned about the Internet of things specific application

Sina Technology: You have mentioned a word that is triple play, triple play this year to see new breakthroughs, including the policy progress, how you assess the current progress, including policy, industry development may, to you may offer a new opportunity to have any expectations?

Yang Syria: country is clearer, more forceful, more determined attitude. Me believe that this approach is clear, this is our industry, including the future of all consumers are very good. So in this case, the next key is the first step in the future to go to trial. In the pilot process, how can the future of the service developed, applied to developed to integrate well, as the service provided to consumers to experience and completely different effect before such service, such experiments may is more concerned about everyone, this is a real step forward.

I believe that this pilot cities in the country if successful, I believe our country has been further timetable, such as 2012, a large area to the market, I have always firmly believe that we state the intensity of work, Once the government decided to promote this way, I think it is very clear timetable and direction, so this is pretty exciting.

Sina technology: I revisit a possible you have been asked many times before, on the Internet of things. We also make some comments on the recent collection, including the famous domestic IT entrepreneurs, like Mr. Liu also Baidu's Mr. Li Yanhong, they feel that the concept of Internet of things is far too early, there are many places to explore, I would like to then listen to your point of view.

Yang Syria: We are more concerned about which specific applications, as is the framework for future application environment is a large sum, such as cloud calculation, Internet of things Ye Hao, to some extent understanding Embedded Internet and so on.

actually end we all focus on one thing in the development and evolution of the Internet, which is the key. As the Internet to further all aspects of life and work, of course, business needs, more and more business applications and the Internet are related, more and more consumers to experience personalized things have needs in this basis, how to develop into a large number of Internet content needs of consumers personalized service, this is one aspect.

course in business which has many high-tech products from the sensor to connect back-end database after the middle of course, there are many computing platforms, how to deal with this information, how to better optimize the management of resources, how to achieve best business results and so on, which I believe is a prospect for the future application, in one direction, so that we see the trend of the future, not to say that today the first day soon be achieved.

So my suggestion is you big framework, see the future, according to this direction, the first step is in there which should be able to focus on specific applications that are able to achieve a more step by step ambitious goal. From Intel's point of view we more concerned about the specific application, will look one by one.

Intel from China policy to seek opportunities to

Sina Technology: More talk about Intel's own development into China this year, Intel has 25 years, we have seen media reports the factory in Dalian will be put into operation later this year, your year for China's investment policy with the changes and changes in the regional development strategy, Intel's policy may be what kind of new adjustments or any new areas?

Yang Syria: I think that Intel has been in China for so many years, we have 25 years, we have learned many things, including their own development through several different stages, then the future ahead of Intel development depends on the past 10 years and industries are working closely, in particular the PC industry in the past ten years of development, makes the PC industry's growth, China's largest computer and so the trend of universal and common development to this day.

to go any further, we should be more concerned about the direction our country great national policy, including last year about the development of the entire rural economy, rural areas such as computer products, the future can help a greater extent promoting rural economic development.

now want to upgrade industrial structure, more innovation to the birth of the green economy, where not only the innovation of product technology, as well as new business models, service delivery innovation, these areas, Intel, and our industry, IT industry, telecommunications industry, including household appliances industry, but also about triple play, and here, what can seize the opportunity to innovate new products, new applications, new services to consumers do not the same experience.

this, I believe, very much to promote the development of industrial and economic structure of opportunities, I believe that Intel had generally been more consistent with national policy, and the industry as a whole greater co-operation to seize this opportunities to develop new areas for future innovation.

Sina technology: Last year you also assumed the role of president of Intel China, more than a year, you have any changes, what kind of changes in Intel?

Yang Syria: The biggest change I personally, when considering the overall strategy of Intel and Intel in China, taking into account all aspects of the resources, we 25 years down the investment in our production, R & D and so on all aspects investment, how these resources to better optimize the use, to support the future of Intel and the Chinese industry, together, development needs, how to deploy, to match. Is discussed in front of the direction of national policy, how to cope with industry to jointly seek development opportunities, Wei of China 消费者 provide different products, different from the experience, Tuidong the overall development of industry, Conger Huoquziji development opportunities.

this case, to consider the overall investment allocation of resources and so on. The biggest change may be in this.

Sina technology: Intel's change where you feel it more than a year, the focus of your work at Intel, including the next focus will be on what direction?

Yang Syria: to Intel China's future development strategy and our country's national policy more into line, so the opportunity for industrial development, Intel's own development. This is a very different direction as before.

interview with Vice President of Intel China President Yang Syrian media Source: Sina Technology Play Video> Related: Intel Yang Syria: 3C integration concept has become obsolete N-screen integration of Syria, said Yang is developing the advent of the Intel Application Shop Intel's strategy in China, Yang and Syria: The Internet runs on Intel architecture



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