
Interview with ZTE president Shi Lirong united team battles the new target

ZTE ZTE's new president, new president Shi Lirong Shi Lirong (left) accepted an interview with Sina Technology photo

Sina Technology News April 12 News, soon after taking office the new president of ZTE Shi Lirong recently accepted an interview with Sina science and technology, said ZTE governance structure is transparent, the management team is very united, the market faces many opportunities, ZTE has introduced a new target, term of office will do their best to ZTE into a global business excellence.

Shi Lirong debut a new identity

as China can compete with the global telecommunications giant, one of the two telecommunications equipment ZTE, the recent appointment of new president Shi Lirong raised its height in the industry concern, he will lead the lead the impressive ZTE.

4 月 9 pm, at the present ZTE 2009 earnings call, the Shi Lirong a dark suit and appeared before the media, on its face Sina science and technology on the global communications market and the future development of ZTE some of the views.

"2009 years ZTE adverse economic breakthrough year, during the reporting period, ZTE firmly grasp the unique market opportunity to achieve a simultaneous increase in size and profitability," Shi Lirong this review ZTE's 2009 performance, he thought in 2009, ZTE's performance is quite good.

He said that in 2009 the construction of large-scale domestic 3G start-up and break the European market for the carrier network ZTE in the growth of revenue contribution of a lot; in the terminal business, the main benefit of revenue growth in Europe, Latin America and the domestic end-market success. He also believes that, in the international market, ZTE Kefu impact of the financial crisis, last year in the global telecommunications market continues weak circumstances reliance on cost, technology, Syndicated news Zijin three major advantages to achieve the international market for continuous growth, Bing Ju made in the global high-end market began a series of breakthroughs.

simultaneous growth of international and domestic markets

industry is more concerned after he assumed office in 2010, ZTE's movements and initiatives. In this regard, Shi Lirong said, "the new year, ZTE will intensify efforts to expand overseas markets, while continuing to consolidate the domestic market, in 2010 synchronized national and international growth."

In particular, he referred at length the international market, in 2009, ZTE's global market operating income 29.869 billion yuan, up 11.34%, the proportion of total operating revenue reached 49.56 percent, but Shi Lirong said "ZTE there is great opportunity in overseas markets. We calculated that an account, we are accounting for relatively small, there is space, so the company I have confidence in the rapid development of overseas markets."

overseas market for ZTE What advantages? Shi Lirong that it is important in R & D and technical advantages.

he said, "Due to continuous investment in R & D and technology, we have formed a great advantage. For example, operator customization options, some foreign equipment manufacturers do not want to do, but is willing to help operators ZTE do. In addition, cost, ZTE has been insisting cost control; in services, ZTE will actively respond to operator demand, can greatly help them reduce operating costs, such as power consumption, the ZTE make greater efforts in energy saving equipment has been developed make telecommunications equipment more integrated, can help operators to save an area of strong, which is in line with developed countries, small size, high rents, small size in the telecommunications equipment, high energy demand. "

a long time, ZTE has been emphasizing not just the pursuit of overseas maximum size, but first of all to control the risk of payment, a good balance with the market expansion, which is the speculation that growth in overseas markets, ZTE One of the reasons is relatively stable, which, Shi Lirong said that the future expansion in overseas markets on the one hand to strengthen the other hand, cash flow, the still have to strike a balance between market size and profitability, market and other relationships.

the domestic market continued to consolidate the advantage

for the domestic market, strong growth in 2009 ZTE 2009 ZTE domestic market operating income 30.404 billion yuan, up 74.07% year on year growth . As the three largest operators recently released annual report mentioned that the 2010 capital expenditure may be reduced, will the industry worry that the domestic market performance ZTE will therefore decline, but Shi Lirong that there is still room for the domestic market.

he said, the domestic carrier market is mainly Unicom and China Telecom equipment investment has dropped, China Mobile was down much, but in the end procurement, China Unicom and China Telecom have increased.

Sina science and technology, said he, "2010, we will continue past the edge, to maintain market share, while mobile phones in the country to seize market opportunities. Meanwhile, 3G is also supporting a significant increase in transmission equipment. In addition, the fixed-line broadband equipment also have a large demand. Therefore, we believe in the domestic market will continue to grow. "

He also disclosed that China Mobile, ZTE's TD has four network construction equipment to prepare the tender, are confident that TD 4 achieved good results.

on the new team goals

thoughts about performance of their duties after the president, Shi Lirong said, "ZTE is a transparent governance structure, management team together for many years, we also Solidarity, my feeling is that every member of the team in charge of the respective areas dedicated. "

"many opportunities facing the market, shareholders, investors, employees have a lot of expectations, a heavy responsibility, I will abide by the duty to make every effort to bring good management team, we have made the company's next strategic development , will be targeting for the 2015 construction of the world's great companies, and we will go all out, "Shi Lirong final say so. (Kang Zhao)

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